Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Paying for Goods & Services > Vendors
Diverse Spend Dashboard: Diverse Spend by School
This article provides step-by-step instructions and related information on the Diverse Spend by School tab of the Diverse Spend Dashboard.
Access the Diverse Spend Dashboard at the Diverse Spend Dashboard web page.
Diverse Spend by School Tab
- Select the second tab at the top of the page labeled Diverse Spend by School.
- Select a logo from the top of the page to limit results to a single chart.
NOTE: Click the same chart logo to return to the default view. - In the upper right section, search for and select the school you would like to view. Clear this filter by selecting (ALL) in the dropdown menu.
NOTE: The selection possibilities in the School filter are specific to one chart if you have selected a chart logo filter.
Column Definitions
In this view, four columns exist. Brief descriptions of each column are below:
- Diverse Spend –Represents a school’s spend with certified diverse vendors over a fiscal year.
NOTE: These values do not contain tier 2 (subcontractor) spend with BEP vendors. - Total Spend – Represents total spend for a School over a fiscal year.
- School % Diverse Spend – Calculated by taking Diverse Spend/Total Spend. Meaning, the percentage of certified spend identified for the school.
- Additional Diverse Spend Opportunity – Represents spend that could have been directed to certified diverse vendors, as determined by commodity codes. This section is intended to identify where the school may look for additional opportunities to increase diverse spend.
Interactive Elements
Use your cursor to hover over or select the values on the page, located in the bar graphs, for further information.
Diverse Spend Dashboard Glossary of Terms