Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Paying for Goods & Services > Vendors

Diverse Spend Dashboard: Diverse Spend Opportunity by Commodity

This article provides step-by-step instructions and related information on the Diverse Spend Opportunity by Commodity tab of the Diverse Spend Dashboard.

Access the Diverse Spend Dashboard at the Diverse Spend Dashboard web page.

Diverse Spend Opportunity by Commodity Tab

  1. Select the fourth tab at the top of the page labeled Diverse Spend Opportunity by Commodity.
  2. Select a logo from the top of the page to limit results to a single chart.
    NOTE: Click the same chart logo to return to the default view.

Use Case and Instructions

End users utilizing this tab will be able to identify and track new opportunities to purchase commodities through diverse vendors.

  1. In the upper right side, search for and select the department you wish to look at.
  2. If you would like to inspect the spend of a single commodity, search for and select a code from the UofI Commodity filter. If a value is selected in the Department filter, the dashboard will populate commodities only for that department.
  3. If a Diverse Vendor is available for that commodity code, a Y will appear in both the filter and the table below.
  4. To view diverse vendors registered to provide products or services for a particular commodity (corresponding to a Y in the upper table), select the same commodity code in the Commodity Search located in the bottom-half of the page.
  5. Once selected, a list of BEP vendors will populate under Certified BEP Vendors by Commodity. Assuming the vendor remains certified, future purchases with these vendors under any commodity code will be counted towards BEP Achievement in future reports.


Diverse Spend Dashboard Glossary of Terms

tableau statistics vendors diversity spending BEP 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources