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Denodo - Connecting to a Delimited File (.csv)
This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a delimited file data source in Denodo.
- Go to the Denodo webpage.
- Log into Denodo.
- Open Design Studio for the appropriate environment.
- Open your VDB (virtual database).
- Navigate to Connectivity then Data Sources.
- Select the vertical ellipses next to the 01 - Data Sources folder.
- Select New.
- Select Data source.
- Select Delimited file.
Data Source Configuration
- Enter the URL for the file.
- NOTE: If using a data source from a Box or SharePoint folder, you will need to complete some preliminary steps to set up those environments to interact with Denodo, as well as create the Base URL.
- Instructions to set up the Box environment.
- Instructions to set up the SharePoint environment.
- NOTE: If using a data source from a Box or SharePoint folder, you will need to complete some preliminary steps to set up those environments to interact with Denodo, as well as create the Base URL.
- Expand the Authentication section.
- For Authentication, select the method you'd like Denodo to use to authenticate you as a user of that data. Box, SharePoint, and many other applications use the OAuth 2.0 method.
- For Client identifier, copy and paste the Client ID from the application that will be interacting with Denodo.
- For Client secret, copy and paste the Client Secret from the application that will be interacting with Denodo.
- Instead of individually filling in the following fields, select Launch the OAuth 2.0 credentials wizard to help you obtain these credentials.
NOTE: If this option is inactive or grayed out, go to the upper right and select Tools. Then select OAuth credentials wizards and select OAuth 2.0 wizard.
OAuth 2.0 Credentials Wizard
- Enter the authentication details.
- For Token endpoint URL,
- For files in a Box folder, enter:
- For files in SharePoint folder, login to the Azure Portal, select your Application, select Endpoints and use the OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2) option.
- For Authorization server URL,
- For files in a Box folder, enter:
- For files in SharePoint folder, login to the Azure Portal, select your Application, select Endpoints and use the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2) option.
- For Redirect URI, leave the Redirect URI as the default selected, if you are connecting to Dev or QA (assuming you included all three when you created the Box app).
NOTE: If you only added one Redirect URI and it is not for the environment you are creating the data source in, you can go back to the Box app and add more Redirect URIs.
NOTE: If you are connecting to production, select Other and enter
- For Token endpoint URL,
- Add a Scope, if needed.
- For files in a SharePoint folder, enter: (found in the API permissions tab in the Azure Portal).
- Generate the authorization URL.
- Expand the 2. Generate the authorization URL section.
- Select Generate to generate the authorization URL.
- Select Open URL next to the generated Authorization URL.
NOTE: you may need to allow access to the application at this step. - On the Virtual DataPort OAuth 2.0 Credentials Wizard webpage, copy the URL.
- Paste the authorization response URL.
- Return to the Denodo OAuth 2.0 credentials wizard.
- Expand the 3. Paste the authorization response URL section.
- Paste the URL into the Authorization response URL field.
- Obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials.
- Expand the 4. Obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials section.
- Select OAuth 2.0 credentials.
NOTE: A notification will appear notifying you that the OAuth2.0 credentials were successfully obtained. - Select Copy the credentials to the clipboard.
NOTE: Paste to a convenient, easily accessible location (such as Notepad) in case the Access token and Refresh token are not automatically filled out in the data source configuration. The copied credentials include client identifier, client shared secret, access token, and refresh token. - Select OK.
Data Source Configuration (continued)
- Make sure the Access token and Refresh token are filled out.
- For Column delimiter, enter the character that separates the values.
- For a CSV file, enter a comma (,).
- For a tab delimited text file, enter \t.
NOTE: Multiple delimiters can be listed with a space separating individual delimiters.
- Select the Header checkbox if your delimited data source file includes headers.
- Once the configuration has been completed, select Test Connection.
- Once the connection is successful, select Save to save the data source.
Creating the Base View
- Select Create Base View.
- Select Execution panel.
NOTE: The Query Results tab will appear and show the first 150 rows of data. - Verify that the data is returned correctly.