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Denodo - Connecting to a XML file

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect to an XML file in Denodo.
  1. Go to the Denodo webpage.
  2. Log into Denodo.
  3. Open Design Studio for the appropriate environment.
  4. Open your VDB (virtual database).
  5. Navigate to Connectivity then Data Sources.
  6. Select the vertical ellipses next to the 01 - Data Sources folder.
  7. Select New.
  8. Select Data source.
  9. Select XML.

Data Source Configuration

  1. Enter a descriptive Name with no spaces.
    NOTE: Names will automatically be converted to lowercase.
  2. For Endpoint access configuration, select Direct, where you configure the data route, or path, to the XML file.
  3. For Data route, select HTTP Client if the data can be access from a website, or SFTP / FTP / FTPS if the data is on an ftp/sftp website.
  4. If using HTTP Client, keep the HTTP method set to GET.
  5. Enter the URL for the file.
    1. NOTE: If using a data source from a Box or SharePoint folder, you will need to complete some preliminary steps to set up those environments to interact with Denodo, as well as create the Base URL.
      1. Instructions to set up the Box environment.
      2. Instructions to set up the SharePoint environment.
  6. For Authentication, select the method you'd like Denodo to use to authenticate you as a user of that data.
  7. If a Validation type is selected, the structure of the input XML file will be obtained from a Schema or a DTD. If “None” is selected, Denodo will analyze the XML document to infer its schema.
  8. Click Test Connection.
  9. If the test is successful, click Save to save the data source.

Creating the Base View

  1. Select Create Base View.
  2. Select Execution panel.
    NOTE: The Query Results tab will appear and show the first 150 rows of data.
  3. XML files are formatted in a way that makes directly viewing the base view for the data source impossible. We must Flatten the base view to be able to access the data.
    1. See the Flatten Views section of the Denodo - Creating Derived Views article for the steps to flatten these base views.

Design Studio VDB 
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