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Denodo Consumers - Connecting to Excel

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how consumers can connect to Denodo using Excel.

In order to connect to Denodo using Microsoft Excel, you will first need to install the Denodo ODBC driver and set up a DSN on your computer. See this KB article for instructions on completing these preliminary steps.

  1. Open Excel, navigate to Data in the navigation ribbon and select Get Data > From Other Sources > From ODBC.
  2. In the Data source name (DSN) box, find the name of your 32-bit DSN (from the preliminary step above).
  3. Click OK.
  4. When the authentication window pops up, select Database, enter your NetID and AD password, and click Connect.
  5. Expand the folders to see the base views and integrated views from Denodo.
  6. Select which views to load and click Load.

KeywordsDSN ODBS   Doc ID138068
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-06-24 10:13:55Updated2024-07-02 09:39:22
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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