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Chrome River – Tracking a Submitted Expense Report

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the tracking feature in Chrome River.

The tracking feature in Chrome River allows users to see where their Expense Report is in the approval process and who has been assigned as the reviewer in each step of the process.

NOTE: Payables reviews Expense Reports by Submit Date. Please see the Payables Processing Status webpage for the current status. There is also a link on the Chrome River dashboard: Payables Processing Status.

  1. From the Chrome River Home screen, select the Submitted Last 90 Days queue in the Expenses ribbon.
  2. Select the Expense Report that you would like to review.
    NOTE: If there is a green Exported indicator, the report has been approved by Payables and exported to Banner. If there is a gray Pending indicator, the report is in the review process.
  3. Select the Tracking button.
  4. The Currently Assigned column will display the current location of the Expense Report.
    If the expense line is Hotel, select the arrow next to the Hotel expense. The itemization will show the location of the report.
  5. Select one of the line items to see the Routing Steps.
    NOTE: If the step has been completed, a green check mark will appear.
  6. Select any of the steps to show the details of the approval.
    NOTE: If an approval delegate has been established, it will be listed under that step.


KeywordsChrome River – Tracking a Submitted Expense Report   Doc ID124603
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-03-06 17:20:09Updated2024-04-02 12:04:37
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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