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Ability LMS - Courses Segment for the Reporter Profile

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Courses segment segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Reporter.

Accessing and Navigating the Courses Segment

Access to the Courses segment within Ability LMS requires elevated access and is not accessible to general users. You must have either the Reporter, Trainer, or Training Coordinator profile to access this function. If you have questions about elevated access, please contact Learning Systems Support at

Courses provides a quick and easy way to check learner record status.

To access the Courses segment, click on Manager Menu in the top navigation bar and then select Courses.

Image showing the top navigation bar on the Ability LMS home screen with the cursor over the Manager Menu option at the far right and then hovering over the Courses option in the dropdown.

The Courses segment will load with a list view of all the courses to which you have access based on your profile settings, as shown in the screenshot below.

Image showing the list of Courses accessible by the employee with the elevated Trainer profile. Columns from left to right are as follows: Course ID, Course Title, Category, Course Type, Course Unit Type, Status, and Action.

Courses are displayed sixteen (16) per page, and you can navigate through pages using the controls available in the list footer.

Image showing the page navigation footer for the Courses list view. It includes a sequential list of page numbers that can be clicked to view the content of those pages.

You can also search the courses list by Course ID or Course Title. To use the search, enter your search term in the Search box and then click the Go button. In the screenshot below, you can see that the search term “ALMS” was entered into the search box and the courses that match that are shown in the courses list. You can clear your search at any time by clicking the Reset button.

Image showing the COurses list view with the search term "ALMS" entered in the search box that is at the top left of the screen.

To open a course, you can click the Course Title or the action icon in the far-right column of the list.

Course History

After selecting a course from the list, you are taken to the History tab of the course. The History tab displays a list of learners with history records in the course. From this screen, you can check on the statuses of learners. This is the recommended method for checking on the training status of one or two learners, as it is quicker and easier than running and extracting a report from the Reports segment.

Image showing the list of learners within a course and thier history status.

The History tab provides the exact same navigation functions as the courses list described above, including the search function and the page navigation buttons in the footer.

You can extract an Excel file of the course history list, if needed. Please see the Interacting with Your Report section of the Ability LMS - Reports knowledgebase article for instructions on how to download and format extracted Excel files.

learning management system, reports 
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Learning Systems Support in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Training and Development Resources