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UAFR - Guide To Banner Finance Pages


By Task - What Page Do I Use To...

Journal Voucher Processing

What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Prepare a journal voucher for an encumbrance- related transaction or for a fixed asset transfer? Journal Voucher Entry FGAJVCD
Simplify the process of creating journal vouchers with one debit and multiple credits, or multiple debits and one credit? Journal Voucher Mass Entry FGAJVCM
Display each accounting distribution for a journal voucher in a spreadsheet format? Journal Voucher Mass Entry FGAJVCM
Prepare a journal voucher with a page that shows descriptions of the FOAPAL segment codes? Journal Voucher Quick FGAJVCQ
Access an in-process (incomplete) journal voucher? Journal Voucher Entry or FGAJVCD
Journal Voucher Mass Entry or FGAJVCM
Journal Voucher Quick FGAJVCQ
See the statuses of all journal vouchers that I created? Document By User FOADOCU
See the statuses of all journal vouchers that another Banner user created? Document By User (Must enter the user’s ID) FOADOCU
Review the details of a posted journal voucher? Document Retrieval Inquiry FGIDOCR
Review the details of an unposted journal voucher to determine if it is postable or suspended? Journal Voucher Summary FGIJSUM
See only the statuses for journal vouchers that are unposted? List of Suspended Journal Vouchers FGIJVCD
Update the document text of a journal voucher? General Text Entry FOATEXT
Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a journal voucher? Document Approval History FOIAPPH

General Encumbrances

What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Create a general encumbrance? Encumbrance/Reservations Maintenance FGAENCB
View a list of all encumbrances that I created? Document By User FOADOCU
View a list of all encumbrances that another Banner user created? Document By User FOADOCU
View a summary list of all general encumbrances in the Banner system? Encumbrance List FGIENCB
Review detailed transaction activities against an encumbrance? Detail Encumbrance Activity FGIENCD
Display all open encumbrances by Organization and/or Fund? Organizational Encumbrance List FGIOENC
Increase or decrease each sequence of a general encumbrance? Journal Voucher Entry FGAJVCD
Partially or totally liquidate each sequence of a general encumbrance? Journal Voucher Entry FGAJVCD
Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed? Encumbrance List or FGIENCB
Detail Encumbrance Activity FGIENCD

Accounts Receivable

What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Mass bill charges that are not term specific? Billing Mass Data Entry TFAMASS
Mass bill term specific charges for students? Billing Mass Data Entry – Student TSAMASS
Data entry for student account and/or term related charges? Student Account Detail TSADETL
Close a cashier session? Cashier Session Review TGACREV
View account comments? Comment Central TGACOMC
Research detailed items on an account such as charges, payments, and deposits? Account Detail TFADETL
Look up GAR information? Account Detail Review TFIAREV
View GAR aging information and set billing and delinquency codes? Account Review – Finance TFAACCT
View a student account? Customer Service Inquiry TSICSRV
View student account aging information and set billing and delinquency codes? Account Review – Student TSAACCT
Search for a student by name? Person Search SOAIDEN
Search a GAR customer or non-student by name? Person Identification – Finance FOAIDEN
View a student account in detail? Account Detail Review – Student TSAAREV


What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Look up grant attributes? Grant Maintenance FRAGRNT
Query index codes? Account Index Code Validation FTVACCI
Track activities as they are posted against an encumbrance? Detail Encumbrance Activity FGIENCD
Display all items in an approval queue? User Approval FOAUAPP
Review the information regarding each budget? Grant Budget Distribution Inquiry FZIBDSG
View grants associated with a specific unit? Grant Organization Inquiry FRIORGH
View billing activity and corresponding payment history associated with a grant? Grant Billing Query FZIBILL
View the total amount billed for a grant, total amount paid and total refunds? Research Accounting Billing Detail Inquiry FZIBDET
View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details by Account code? Grant Inception To Date and FZIGITD
Grant Transaction Detail FZIGTRD
Find out information about a grant, including the description and award amount? Grant Maintenance FRAGRNT
Find out how a budget was put in by Grants and Contracts? Grant Budget Distribution Inquiry FZIBDSG
Find out the overdraft status of a grant project? Grant Inception To Date FZIGITD
See all Fund codes associated with a grant? Grant Inception To Date (check Fund Summary box) FZIGITD
Query indirect cost charge codes? Indirect Cost Charge Code Maintenance FTMINDA
Query indirect cost distribution codes? Indirect Cost Distribution Maintenance FTMINDD
Query indirect cost basis codes? Basis Definition Code Maintenance FTMBASI
Query indirect cost rate codes? Indirect Cost Rate Code Maintenance FTMINDR
Query a grant’s indirect cost codes? Research Accounting Fund Maintenance FZMRFND
Look up payments for a grant? Grant Payments Entry FZAAREV
Find out all the grants that a Principal Investigator has? Grant Personnel Inquiry FRIPSTG
View all grants associated with an agency? Grant Agency Inquiry FRIASTG
Search for a grant code using any part of the grant’s long title? Grant Title Search FRIKGNT
View budget codes associated with a grant code? Grant Budget Codes Inquiry FRIBUDG
View the line item amounts established in a grant budget? Grant Budget Distribution Inquiry FZIBDSG
Look at hierarchy information to find out if a grant is a federal grant or a state of Illinois grant? Agency Hierarchy Query FTIAGYH
Search for existing Fund codes? Fund Code Maintenance FZMFUND
Find personnel associated with a Fund code? Fund Code Maintenance (click Personnel Information under the Related menu) FZMFUND


What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Prepare a purchase requisition resulting in a purchase order? Requisition FZAREQN
See the status of all requisitions and purchase orders that I created? (for example, have they been paid? Were the items returned?) Document History FOIDOCH
Display all completed requisitions awaiting approval? Approvals Notification FOIAINP
Approve or disapprove a requisition? User Approval FOAUAPP
Show all the requisitions a user has approved? Approval History FOIAPHT
Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a requisition? Document Approval History FOIAPPH
Print requisitions? Requisition Query (Use File, Print.) FPIREQN
Cancel a requisition? Requisition Cancel FPARDEL
Delete an in-process (incomplete) requisition? Requisition FZAREQN
Copy a requisition or purchase order into a new requisition? Requisition FZAREQN
Query requisitions? Requisition Query or FPIREQN
Requisition Validation FPIRQST
Update the document text for an in-process (incomplete) requisition? Procurement Text Entry FOAPOXT
Determine which individuals in my department are authorized to approve a requisition? Document Approval FOAAINP
Locate all requisitions from a specific requestor? Requisition Query or FPIREQN
Requisition Validation FPIRQST
See if a vendor currently exists in the Banner database? Entity Name / ID Search FTIIDEN
Find the address of a vendor? Vendor Maintenance and FTMVEND
Person Identification FOAIDEN
Look up a requisition to see if it has been approved and/or if a buyer has assigned a purchase order number to it? Document History or FOIDOCH
Purchase/Blanket/Change Order Query FPIPURR
Look up encumbrances, balances of a purchase order and change order increases? Encumbrance List and FGIENCB
Detail Encumbrance Activity FGIENCD


What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
Prepare a receiving order to receive a partial or full order? Receiving Goods FPARCVD
Access and view receiving documents related to purchase order documents? Document History FOIDOCH
Delete an in-process receiving document? Receiving Goods FPARCVD
Create an adjustment to a previously received purchase line item? Receiving Goods FPARCVD
Query for a return? Return Goods Validation List and FPIRTRN
Document History FOIDOCH
Record return shipment information for specific commodity line items on a purchase order? Returned Goods FPARTRN

Accounts Payable Queries

What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
See if a vendor currently exists in the Banner database? Entity Name/ID Search FTIIDEN
Find the address of a vendor? Vendor Maintenance and FTMVEND
Person Identification FOAIDEN
Find all payments to a single UIN or Vendor ID number by fiscal year? Vendor Detail History Query FAIVNDH
Identify categories of invoices in the system for a single vendor ID or UIN: All, Open, Paid? Vendor Detail History Query FAIVNDH
Query a summary of transaction and commodity details by a specific vendor ID and invoice number? Vendor Invoice Query FAIVINV
Search for a purchase order (PO) number and payment status by the vendor’s invoice number? Vendor Invoice Query FAIVINV
Query of list of invoices by document status category (Open, Paid, Suspense, Hold)? Invoice/Credit memo List FAIINVL
Search payment details by check number? Check Payment History FAICHKH
Identify and review all transactions paid on a check, the vendor name, the date of the check and the amount of the check? Check Payment History FAICHKH
Review all transaction details for a specific Banner invoice document number? Invoice/Credit Memo Query FAIINVE
Review year-to-date total dollars paid to a single vendor ID number by fiscal year? Vendor History Query FAIVHIS
Display all the purchasing and payment documents and statuses associated with a specific invoice or check document number? Document History FOIDOCH
Determine the check number on which an invoice was paid? Document History FOIDOCH
Search for invoice and receiving data specific to a single vendor ID number or name? Receiving/Matching Status Query FAIIREC
Search for invoice and receiving data for a specific invoice or purchase order document number? Receiving/Matching Detail Query FPIIREC
Display open invoices by chart of accounts or FOAPAL elements? Open Invoices by FOAPAL FAIOINF
To display the payment schedule for a recurring invoice document? Recurring Payables Query FAARUIV
Validate a check number and its corresponding bank code? Check Number Validation FTICHKS
Verify receipt status of an invoice, purchase order, or requisition? Receipt Required Indicator Query FPARRIM
Review the accounting distribution of an invoice document? Commodities and Accounting Review Query FOICACT
Review the transaction postings for an invoice or check document? Document Retrieval Inquiry FGIDOCR
Search for a one-time vendor payment? Document Retrieval Inquiry FGIDOCR
Find out the Originator and all Approvers of an invoice document transaction? Document Approval History FOIAPPH
Find and review text notes recorded for a specific invoice, vendor, or check transaction? General Text Entry FOATEXT
Review encumbrance details and track invoice transactions posted against general encumbrance and purchase order encumbrance balances? Encumbrance List and FGIENCB
Detail Encumbrance Activity FGIENCD

General Ledger Queries

What Page Do I Use To… Page Title Page Name
View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to the FOAPAL and transactions that roll up to that FOAPAL)? Executive Summary and FGIBDSR
Detail Transaction Activity FGITRND
View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to that FOAPAL only)? Organization Budget Status and FGIBDST
Detail Transaction Activity FGITRND
Compute and view my Fund balance? General Ledger Trial Balance FGITBAL
View the Account balances for a Fund? General Ledger Trial Balance FGITBAL
View my already computed Fund balance? Trial Balance Summary FGITBSR
Query and display transaction details for specific funds and accounts? General Ledger Trial Balance or FGITBAL
Trial Balance Summary FGITBSR
and General Ledger Activity FGIGLAC

By Page - What Can I Do With This Page?

Journal Voucher Processing

Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FGAJVCD Journal Voucher Entry
  • Prepare a journal voucher for an encumbrance- related transaction or for a fixed asset transfer.
  • Access an in-process (incomplete) journal voucher to complete it.
  • Increase or decrease each sequence of a general encumbrance.
  • Partially or totally liquidate each sequence of a general encumbrance.
FGAJVCM Journal Voucher Mass Entry
  • Access an in-process (incomplete) journal voucher to complete it.
  • Simplify the process of creating journal vouchers with one debit and multiple credits, or multiple debits and one credit.
  • Display each accounting distribution for a journal voucher in a spreadsheet format.
FGAJVCQ Journal Voucher Quick
  • Access an in-process (incomplete) journal voucher to complete it.
  • Prepare a journal voucher with a page that shows descriptions of the FOAPAL segment codes.
FGIDOCR Document Retrieval Inquiry
  • Review the details of a posted journal voucher including its document text.
  • Verify that a journal voucher has been posted.
FGIJSUM Journal Voucher Summary Review the details of an unposted journal voucher to determine if it is postable or suspended.
FGIJVCD List of Suspended Journal Vouchers See only the statuses for journal vouchers that are unposted.
FOADOCU Document By User
  • See the statuses of all journal vouchers that I created.
  • See the statuses of all journal vouchers that another Banner user created (must enter the user’s ID).
  • View a list of all encumbrances that I created.
  • View a list of all encumbrances that another Banner user created (must enter the user’s ID).
FOATEXT General Text Entry
  • Update the document text of a journal voucher.
  • View the reason that a transaction was made.
  • Find out the name, unit, and phone number of the person who made the transaction.
FOIAPPH Document Approval History
  • Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a journal voucher.
  • View a journal voucher’s approval history.

General Encumbrances

Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FGAENCB Encumbrance/Reservations Maintenance Create a general encumbrance.
FGAJVCD Journal Voucher Entry
  • Prepare a journal voucher to increase or decrease each sequence of a general encumbrance.
  • Prepare a journal voucher to partially or totally liquidate each sequence of a general encumbrance.
  • Access an in-process (incomplete) journal voucher to complete it.
FGIENCB Encumbrance List
  • View a summary list of all general encumbrances in the Banner system.
  • Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed.
  • Look up encumbrances, balances of a purchase order, and change order increases.
FGIENCD Detail Encumbrance Activity
  • Review detailed transaction activities against an encumbrance.
  • Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed.
  • Track grant activities as they are posted against an encumbrance.
  • Look up encumbrances, balances of a purchase order, and change order increases.
FGIOENC Organizational Encumbrance List Display all open encumbrances by Organization and/or Fund.
FOADOCU Document By User
  • View a list of all encumbrances that I created.
  • View a list of all encumbrances that another Banner user created (must enter the user’s ID).
  • See the statuses of all journal vouchers that I created.
  • See the statuses of all journal vouchers that another Banner user created (must enter the user’s ID).

Accounts Receivable

Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FOAIDEN Person Identification – Finance
  • Search a General Accounts Receivable (GAR) customer or non-student by name.
  • Look up GAR address information.
SOAIDEN Person Search Search for a student by name.
TFAACCT Account Review –Finance View GAR aging information and set billing and delinquency codes.
TFADETL Account Detail Data entry page for general account charges.
TFAMASS Billing Mass Data Entry Mass bill charges that are not term specific.
TFIAREV Account Detail Review Look up GAR information.
TGACOMC Comment Central View account comments.
TGACREV Cashier Session Review
  • Close a cashier session.
  • Review data entry transactions entered in Banner.
TSAACCT Account Review –Student View student account aging information and set billing and delinquency codes.
TSAAREV Account Detail Review – Student View a student account in detail.
TSADETL Student Account Detail Data entry for student account and/or term related charges.
TSAMASS Billing Mass Data Entry – Student Mass bill term specific charges for students.
TSICSRV Customer Service Inquiry View a student account.


Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FGIENCD Detail Encumbrance Activity
  • Track grant activities as they are posted against an encumbrance.
  • Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed.
FOATEXT General Text Entry
  • Enter and update the required document text for a transaction.
  • View the reason a transaction was disapproved.
  • Find out the name, unit, and phone number of the person who made the transaction.
FOAUAPP User Approval
  • Display all items in an approval queue.
  • Approve or disapprove a document.
FOIAPHT Approval History
  • View a document’s approval history.
  • Show all the documents a user has approved.
  • View an online display of documents sorted by document code.
FOIAPPH Document Approval History
  • View a document’s approval history.
  • Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a document.
FRIASTG Grant Agency Inquiry View all grants associated with an agency.
FRIBUDG Grant Budget Codes Inquiry View budget codes associated with a grant code.
FRIKGNT Grant Title Search Search for a grant code using any part of the grant’s long title.
FRIORGH Grant Organization Inquiry View grants associated with a specific unit.
FRIPSTG Grant Personnel Inquiry Find out all the grants that a Principal Investigator has.
FTIAGYH Agency Hierarchy Query
  • Find an agency’s place in its hierarchy.
  • Locate an agency’s predecessor to find out if a grant is a federal grant or a state of Illinois grant.
FTVACCI Account Index Code Validation Query index codes.
FTMINDA Indirect Cost Charge Code Maintenance Query indirect cost charge codes.
FTMINDD Indirect Cost Distribution Maintenance Query indirect cost distribution codes.
FZAAREV Grant Payments Entry Look up payments for a grant.
FRAGRNT Grant Maintenance
  • Look up grant attributes.
  • Find out information about a grant, including the description and award amount.
FZIBDET Research Accounting Billing Detail Inquiry View the total amount billed for a grant, total amount paid, and total refunds.
FZIBDSG Grant Budget Distribution Inquiry
  • Review the information regarding each budget.
  • Find out how a budget was put in by Grants and Contracts.
FZIBILL Grant Billing Query View billing activity and corresponding payment history associated with a grant.
FZIGITD Grant Inception To Date
  • View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details by Account code.
  • Find out the overdraft status of a grant project.
  • See all Fund codes associated with a grant. (check Fund Summary box)
FZIGTRD Grant Transaction Detail View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details by Account code.
FZMRFND Research Accounting Fund Maintenance Query a grant’s indirect cost codes.
FTMBASI Basis Definition Code Maintenance Query indirect cost basis codes.
FTMINDR Indirect Cost Rate Code Maintenance Query indirect cost rate codes.
FZMFUND Fund Code Maintenance
  • Search for existing Fund codes.
  • Find Fund personnel associated with a Fund code.


Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FZAREQN Requisition
  • Prepare a purchase requisition resulting in a purchase order.
  • Delete an in-process (incomplete) requisition.
  • Copy a requisition or purchase order into a new requisition.
FTVCOMM Commodity Validation
  • Display commodity codes and associated descriptions defined to the system.
  • Verify or select a commodity code to process using the page’s features.
FTVSHIP Ship to Validation
  • Display ship to codes defined in Banner.
  • Verify shipping locations for purchasing commodity deliveries.
FTIIDEN Entity Name / ID Search See if a vendor currently exists in the Banner database.
FTMVEND FOAIDEN Vendor Maintenance and Person Identification Find the address of a vendor.
FOAAINP Document Approval
  • Determine which individuals in my department are authorized to approve a requisition.
  • Approve or disapprove an invoice or other document.
  • Display remaining invoices in the approval queues.
FOAPOXT Procurement Text Entry Update the document text for an in-process (incomplete) requisition.
FOAUAPP User Approval
  • Approve or disapprove a requisition or other document.
  • Display all items in an approval queue.
FOIAINP Approvals Notification Display all completed requisitions or other documents awaiting approval.
FOIAPHT Approval History
  • View a document’s approval history.
  • Show all the documents a user has approved.
  • View an online display of documents sorted by document code.
FOIAPPH Document Approval History
  • View a document’s approval history.
  • Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a document.
FOIDOCH Document History
  • See the status of all requisitions and purchase orders that I created. (for example, whether it has been paid, or if items were returned)
  • Look up a requisition to see if it has been approved and/or if a buyer has assigned a purchase order number to it.
  • Access and view processing and payment records associated with a purchase order, invoice or check.
  • Query for a return.
  • Determine the check number on which an invoice was paid.
FGIENCB Encumbrance List
  • Look up encumbrances, balances of a purchase order, and change order increases.
  • View a summary list of encumbrances in the Banner system.
  • Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed.
FGIENCD Detail Encumbrance Activity
  • Look up encumbrances, balances of a purchase order, and change order increases.
  • Find out if an encumbrance is open or closed.
  • Review detailed transaction activities against an encumbrance.
FPIPURR Purchase/Blanket/Change Order Query
  • Look up a requisition to see if it has been approved and/or if a buyer has assigned a purchase order number to it.
  • Display purchase orders that are completed, approved, closed, canceled, or in process.
FPIREQN Requisition Query
  • Print requisitions. (Use FilePrint.)
  • Query requisitions.
  • Locate all requisitions from a specific requestor.
  • View completed, approved, closed, canceled, or in-process requisitions.
  • View document information (including cancel date and reason, close date).
  • View requestor and ship to information.
  • View vendor information.
  • View commodity and FOAPAL information.
  • View text associated with the requisition.
FPIRQST Requisition Validation
  • Query requisitions.
  • Locate all requisitions from a specific requestor.
FPROPNR Open Request Report Display the status of requests for goods and services that have not been fully satisfied (open).


Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FOIDOCH Document History
  • Access and view receiving documents related to purchase order documents.
  • Query for a return.
  • See the status of all requisitions and purchase orders that I created. (for example, whether it has been paid, or if items were returned)
  • Look up a requisition to see if it has been approved and/or if a buyer has assigned a purchase order number to it.
  • Identify and find the status of all documents associated with a selected document and find the processing history of purchasing and payment documents.
  • Determine the check number on which an invoice was paid.
FPARCVD Receiving Goods
  • Prepare a receiving order to receive a partial or full order.
  • Delete an in-process receiving document.
  • Create an adjustment to a previously received purchase line item.
FPARTRN Returned Goods Record return shipment information for specific commodity line items on a purchase order.
FPIIREC Receiving/Matching Detail Query Search for invoice and receiving data for a specific invoice or purchase order document number.
FPIRTRN Return Goods Validation List Query for a return.

Accounts Payable Queries

Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FTIIDEN Entity Name / ID Search
  • See if a vendor currently exists in the Banner database.
  • Review status of existing vendor ID or UIN in the Banner database for Entity indicator column (P/C) and the “V” (Vendor indicator column: Y (Yes), N (No), or T (Terminated).
FTMVEND Vendor Maintenance Find the address of a vendor.
FOAIDEN Person Identification Find the address of a vendor.
FAARUIV Recurring Payables
  • Display the payment schedule for a recurring invoice document.
  • Identify and review all transactions paid on a check, the vendor name, the date of the check, and the amount of the check. Review available invoice images for listed transactions.
FAIVINV Vendor Invoice Query Query a summary of transaction and commodity details by a specific vendor ID and invoice number.
FAICHKH Check Payment History Page Search payment details by check number.
FAIVNDH Vendor Detail History Query
  • Find all payments to a single UIN or vendor ID number by fiscal year.
  • Review the transaction postings for an invoice or check document (as well as for requisitions, purchase orders and journal vouchers).
FGIDOCR Document Retrieval Inquiry Update the document text of a transaction.
FOATEXT General Text Entry
  • View an online display of documents sorted by document code.
  • View a document’s approval history.
FOIAPHT Approval History Show all the documents a user has approved.
FOIAPPH Document Approval History
  • Find out the Originator and all Approvers of a document.
  • View a document’s approval history.
FOIDOCH Document History
  • See the status of all related transactions for a single document number (requisitions, purchase orders, invoices, returns, receiving, checks, and assets).
  • Access and view processing and payment records associated with a purchase order, invoice or check.
  • Determine the check number on which an invoice was paid.
  • Research a check’s history.
  • Query for a return.
FPIIREC Receiving/Matching Detail Query Search for invoice and receiving data for a specific invoice or purchase order document number.
FTICHKS Check Number Validation Validate a check number and its corresponding bank code.
FGIENCB  Encumbrance List and Detail  Review encumbrance details and track invoice transactions posted against general encumbrance and purchase order encumbrance balances.
FGIENCD Encumbrance Activity Review encumbrance details and track invoice transactions posted against general encumbrance and purchase order encumbrance balances.

General Ledger Queries

Page Name Page Title What Can I Do With This Page?
FGIBDSR Executive Summary View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to the FOAPAL and transactions that roll up to that FOAPAL).
FGIBDST Organization Budget Status
  • View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to that FOAPAL only).
  • Query outstanding encumbrances, using any data entry combination of Fund, Organization, Account, Account Type, Program, Activity, or Location.
FGIGLAC General Ledger Activity Query and display transaction details for specific Funds and Accounts.
FGITBAL General Ledger Trial Balance
  • Compute and view my Fund balance.
  • View the Account balances for a Fund.
  • Query and display transaction details for specific Funds and Accounts.
FGITBSR Trial Balance Summary
  • View my already computed Fund balance.
  • Query and display transaction details for specific Funds and Accounts.
FGITRND Detail Transaction Activity
  • View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to the FOAPAL and transactions that roll up to that FOAPAL).
  • View a unit’s budget activity and transaction details for a FOAPAL by Account (for transactions that posted to that FOAPAL only).

OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-07-08 12:09:23Updated2024-06-20 10:42:46
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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