Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Paying for Goods & Services > Chrome River

Chrome River – Deleting a Line Item from an Expense Report

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to delete a line item from an Expense Report in Chrome River.
  1. From the Chrome River Home screen in the Expenses ribbon, select the location of the Expense Report in Drafts or Returned.
  2. Select the desired report.
  3. Select Open.
  4. Under the Expense heading, select the line item that needs to be deleted.
  5. Select Delete.
    NOTE: The line item to be deleted will be highlighted and the pop-up window should display the message “Are you sure you want to delete this item?” to ensure that you are not deleting the Expense Report.
  6. In the confirmation pop-up window, select Delete to confirm.

KeywordsExpense, Payables   Doc ID121750
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-10-07 08:28:00Updated2024-01-31 10:04:17
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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