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Ability LMS - People Segment for the Trainer Profile

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the People segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

Accessing and Navigating the People Segment

Access to the People segment within Ability LMS requires elevated access and is not accessible to general users. You must have either the Trainer or Training Coordinator profile to access this function. If you have questions about elevated access, please contact Learning Systems Support at

People provides a quick and easy way to check course and learning track history records for learners.

To access the People segment, click on Manager Menu in the top navigation bar and then select People.

The People segment will load with a list view of all the learners to which you have access based on your profile settings, as shown in the screenshot below.

Learner listing displaying 12 columns from left to right: U I N, Net ID, LEarner Name Reverse, Home C O A, Home Dept NAme, Home College Name, Record Status Name, E Class, Citizenship Code, Email Address, Inert Date, and Action.

Learners in the People segment are displayed twenty (20) per page, and you can navigate through pages using the controls available in the list footer.

You can also search the list of learners using any criteria shown, such as UIN, Name, Email, etc. To use the search, enter your search term in the Search box and then click the Go button. You can clear your search at any time by clicking the Reset button.

To view a learner record, click the learner's name or the green "i" icon in the action column.

NOTE: The learner listing in People displays both Active and Inactive learners. If you want to narrow the learner listing down to only active learners, click the white funnel icon in the Record Status Name column header, select Active from the dropdown list, and then click the Filter button. 

History Tab

After entering into a learner record, you will be taken to the History tab. The History tab displays all course records for a specific learner. To enter a learner history record, click the green "i" icon in the Action column. From here, you can see the full details of the history record. For instructions on how to interact with history record, please see the Course History section of the Courses Segment for the Trainer Profile article.

Learning Tracks Tab

The other section of a learner record that is available to users with the Trainer profile is the Learning Tracks tab. This tab provides a view-only list of all the Learning Tracks to which a specific learner is assigned. Learning Tracks are used to assign required training to learners. 

Keywordstraining, learning management system   Doc ID122076
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-10-24 10:46:12Updated2023-08-28 14:47:14
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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