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Ability LMS - Trainer Profile

ALMS - Ability LMS Trainer

This learning track is designed for employees who need the Ability LMS Trainer profile to access administrative functions within the system.

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Courses in this Track

Logging into and Navigating Ability LMS

This course contains directions on how to log into Ability LMS and successfully navigate in the system.

Ability LMS Reports

This course provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Reports segment within Ability LMS.

Courses Segment for the Trainer Profile

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Courses segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

Master Schedule for the Trainer Profile

This course provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Master Schedule segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

Catalog Segment for the Trainer Profile

This document provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the Courses segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

People Segment for the Trainer Profile

This article provides directions on how to access, understand, and interact with the People segment within Ability LMS for users who have the elevated profile of Trainer.

KeywordsALMS   Doc ID124527
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-03-02 11:11:51Updated2024-02-02 10:59:41
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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