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UAFR - Order Red & White "State of Illinois, University of Illinois" Stickers

This job aid will help you order Red & White State of Illinois, University of Illinois Stickers

Equipment with a cost of $100 to $2499.99 must have a red and white State of Illinois, University of Illinois sticker placed on it. This equipment is not tracked in Banner inventory but is still identified as property owned by the State of Illinois.

In iStores, search for "U OF I PROPERTY STICKERS" or by SKU# "11244000" and select ADD TO CART. Click the cart icon in the upper right-hand corner to view and edit. Once the desired quantity is entered, select CHECKOUT and then select Place Order.

If the order was placed using the iStores catalog in iBuy, the cart will transfer into iBuy for completion once Place Order is selected.

UIUC units can place an order for labels/stickers either directly from iStores or by using the iStores catalog on iBuy Shopping Showcase.

UIC and UIS units can place an order for the labels/stickers by using the iStores catalog in iBuy Shopping Showcase.

KeywordsPTag iBuy iStores 11244000 tag   Doc ID135408
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-02-12 11:22:47Updated2024-07-12 14:56:46
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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