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UPB - Requesting PARIS Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) Access: Unit Security Contact Role

The Unit Security Contact must request PARIS Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) access for an end user through the AITS Security Application.

It is recommended that the end user complete the PARIS Overview training course.


Follow these steps to request the PARIS CPA security profiles.

Initiate a request for the employee

  1. Log in to the AITS Security Application.
  2. Click the Initiate Request link.
  3. Select your campus from the Campus menu under USC Department Information.
  4. Select your college and department from the College/Department menu.
  5. Select your physical campus from the Physical Campus menu.
  6. Enter the employee’s UIN in the UIN field under Account Owner Information.
  7. Click the Retrieve button.
  8. Review the verification statements and select the appropriate checkboxes:
    • Yes, I have confirmed the department has a signed copy of the Information Security Compliance Form on file.
    • I have reviewed and updated all Security Collection Information requested herein. I have shared and received approval from my Campus Unit Head or designee to provide this information to AITS Security and/or the authorizers.
    • Account Owners must receive training before using any portion of the UI-Integrate system. If requesting access to the UI-Integrate system, please acknowledge that the Account Owner has received the appropriate training by selecting the checkbox.

Identify the Supervisor

  1. Enter the supervisor’s name in the Supervisor Name field.
  2. Click the Continue button.

Select and add PARIS access

  1. Click the PARIS tab or link.
  2. Select the campus link for the end user’s campus.
    • Chicago PARIS
    • Springfield PARIS
    • Urbana PARIS
  3. Select Add from the Action menu if the Current Access check box is cleared.
    Select Update from the Action menu if the Current Access check box is selected.
  4. Click the PARIS Selections Request Reasons link in the Settings column.
  5. Select the appropriate profile from the menu in the last row of the PARIS Profile column. The CPA profiles are:
    • C Dept CPA User
    • S Dept CPA User
    • U Dept CPA User
  6. Select the COA from the Chart of Accounts menu.
  7. Select the campus from the Campus menu.
  8. Select the college from the College menu.
  9. Select the department from the Department menu.
    NOTE: If an end user needs security access to multiple departments or organizations within a department, you must request separate security profiles for the role, departments and organizations.
  10. Select the organization from the Organization menu.
    NOTE: If an end user needs security access to multiple departments or organizations within a department, you must request separate security profiles for the role, departments and organizations.
  11. Select Add from the Action menu.
  12. Click the Save button.

Review and submit the request

  1. Click on the View/Submit Request tab.
  2. Review your selections.
  3. Click the Submit button.

Keywordsapplication, USC   Doc ID138240
OwnerDon S.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-07-05 07:51:34Updated2024-07-08 09:16:49
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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