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UAFR - FCIAA College/Administrative Group Manager Role-UIUC & UIC Only

This job aid explains the FCIAA College/Administrative Group Manager Role for UIUC & UIC Only.

As the College/Administrative Group Manager, in the FCIAA application, you are responsible for assigning the Submitter and Approver roles within the FCIAA application.  To help with the process, I encourage you to use the Role Report found under the Manage Users tab, shown in the image below.

The Role Report is an Excel file and shows you all the Organization codes, both 3 and 6-digit codes within your college and the individuals assigned as Submitters and Approvers. At a minimum, each 3-digit Organization code should be accounted for, and no one person should be assigned the role of Submitter and Approver.

Use the UAFR - Managing Users in FCIAA job aid to make any necessary changes to the Submitters and Approver roles in your college.
Your University FCIAA contacts are listed below to assist you with any questions.

UIUC – Bridget To
UIUC – Jennifer Dalton
UIUC - Julie Wieland

UIC - Dana Librot
UIC – Tanya Peykova-Slavchev

KeywordsApprover Submitter   Doc ID142623
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2024-09-25 09:41:36Updated2024-10-17 11:44:47
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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