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Denodo – Setting Up EDW Service Account

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up an EDW Service Account(s) within Denodo.
  1. Create an account in your Active Directory that exactly matches the EDW Service account name and password.
    1. This step must be completed by your OU Administrators. AITS cannot add, remove, or modify anything in your Active Directory.
    2. AITS recommends that OU Administrators follow standards and best practices by creating service accounts in a branch other than the people branch.     
    3. It would be ideal if OU Administrators add all their service accounts to the same location.
  2. Add the EDW Service Account(s) as a member to the desired Denodo Active Directory groups.
  3. Send a request to AITS to have the EDW Service Account(s) added to Denodo. The request must contain the location of the EDW Service Account(s) in your Active Directory.
    1. AITS requests that you provide the full Domain Name of the location.
      • dn: cn={app_account_name},ou=service accounts,
    2. AITS will add that location as an option for where Denodo will search for EDW Service Account(s).
    3. Contact AITS for support with EDW Service Accounts (instructions are listed below).
  1. AITS will synchronize access to the Logical Data Warehouse (LDW) in Denodo. This will allow the EDW Service Account(s) to access the data in the Enterprise Data Warehouse in the LDW in Denodo.
  2. Test the access EDW Service Account(s) access in Denodo. Verify that you can see your unit’s Virtual Database and the Logical Data Warehouse. Contact the Denodo support team if you are unable to see either VDB.

Notes and Additional Information

  • This procedure only applies to EDW Service Account(s). Please contact AITS If you wish to have access to Denodo from service accounts used in some other data system.

  • The Denodo uses pass-through authentication to the EDW. Therefore, the EDW Service Account(s) will have the exact same access in the LDW as they do in the EDW.

  • It is the unit’s responsibility to notify AITS if they move or change anything in the OU or in any of the AD groups. If you do change anything, AITS must make changes in Denodo for you to continue to use the account(s).

How to Request Support for EDW Service Account(s) in Denodo

Denodo, EDW Service Account, application 
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Derrick B. in UI Training and Development Resources
University of Illinois Training and Development Resources