Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Requisitions

Purchasing - Approving a Requisition

Purchasing - Approving a Requisition

If requisitions are awaiting your approval, the first time you attempt to open any Banner page, the Approvals Notification page (FOIAINP) will display listing those documents. You may click the Close button if you do not want to approve any requisitions at that time.

  1. Type FOAUAPP in the Search field and press ENTER to open the User Approval Form.
  2. Enter a specific requisition number to approve, if available, in the Document field, or leave this field blank to see all requisitions to approve. Click the Go button.
  3. Click the requisition that you would like to review. Click the Detail button to review the details of the order:
    1. Select Related, Document Query. Click the Go button. Next Section through the document to review the information.
    2. To review item text, Next Section through the document to the Commodity/Accounting Information. Click a commodity code and select Related, Item Text, Next Section to review Item Text, if included. Click the Close button when finished.
    3. To review document text, select Related and choose Document Text, Next Section to review Document Text, if included. Click the Close button when finished.
  4. Click the Close button when finished reviewing the requisition detail until you return to FOAUAPP.
  5. Disapprove or Approve the requisition.
    1. If you disapprove, click the Disapprove button, type the reason in the Text box and click the OK button. Disapproving changes the status of the requisition to “In Process” and the originator receives a message, along with the text explaining the reason. The originator can then make the necessary changes and resubmit the requisition for approval.
    2. If you approve, and have appropriate approval authority, click the Approve button to send the requisition to Purchasing.
  6. Click the Close button when finished to return to the main menu.

Keywordsrequisitions, purchasing, procurement   Doc ID120344
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-08 11:30:29Updated2024-02-02 10:59:39
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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