Topics Map > Buying & Contracts > Requisitions

Purchasing - Copying a Purchase Order to a Requisition

Purchasing - Copying a Purchase Order to a Requisition

This guide provides step-by-step procedures for copying a purchase order (PO) to a new requisition (REQ) for processing into a new PO.

Be sure to record the new requisition number in your department requisition log.

NOTE: If you are copying purchase orders for renewals for a new Fiscal Year (FY), please refer to Copying Banner Purchase Orders for Renewal Orders, which is sent out with the renewal letter each year and posted on the OBFS website.

Some important things to remember during this process are:

  • Transaction Date – Today’s date will default in.
  • The delivery date will need to be entered.
  • Document text. If there is document text, and it is pertinent to the new order, then leave it on the new requisition. If the information is outdated or does not apply to the order, remove it from the new requisition. Type the new document text after the old text. Document text should include:
    • If attachments are to be sent to Purchasing with the requisition, the document text should read “Req # RXXXXXXX Attachment” and include what the attachment is —such as contract renewal (ref. CN######) or “vendor quotation #XXX”— and how the attachment will be sent to Purchasing; For example, “via fax,” “hand carried,” or “via campus mail.”
    • Include the departmental contact person, along with a complete phone number, fax number, and email address.
    • Review order type (Regular/Standing). If you would like to change the order type, request your preference in Document Text.
  • Follow the commodity description procedures, by deleting the generic commodity code description and typing an actual description of the item being ordered.
  • Verify the vendor ID is still accurate and has not changed. Obtain the FEIN (federal tax ID number) from the vendor and contact the UPAY Vendor Maintenance Group for verification at 217-244-0427.
  • Review pricing on the order to ensure prices have not changed or make changes accordingly.
  • Review your FOAPAL information. If you are using STATE FUNDS, make sure you remove last fiscal year’s state Fund number and use the new FY state Fund in your FOAPAL.
  • Please check all FOAPAL segments for accuracy.

The Copy feature lets you copy data from a completed-posted-approved purchase order or a canceled purchase order to create a new requisition document.

In order to capture the most complete data, copy the purchase order. This data will include all of the original requisition information as well as the buyer’s special statements. Do not copy the original requisition.

The steps below show how to copy an existing purchase order to create a new requisition.

  1. Type FZAREQN in the Search field and press ENTER.
  2. Click the Copy button, located to the right of the Requisition field.
    NOTE: Leave the Requisition field blank. Do not type NEXT, a requisition number, or the purchase order number.
  3. Type the purchase order number in the Purchase Order field.
    NOTE: Leave the Requisition field blank.
  4. Review the vendor ID number and name in the Vendor field.
  5. Click the OK button.
    NOTE: A new requisition number is immediately assigned.
  6. Press TAB to advance to the Transaction Date field and type the appropriate date if you need to change it; otherwise, leave today’s date as the default.
    NOTE: The transaction date is the date on which the funds are reserved.
  7. Press TAB to advance to the Delivery Date field and type the appropriate date. The delivery date may be the final date of the fiscal year, 30-JUN-20XX, or sooner.
  8. Select Document Text from the Related menu.
    NOTE: If document text already exists and is pertinent to the new order, then leave it on the new requisition. If the information is outdated or does not apply to the order, remove it from the new requisition. Remember to use Document Text to reference information about the order to the buyer:
    1. Attachment information
    2. Department Contact Person and Contact Information
    3. Recommendation of order type: Standing or Regular
  9. Click the Next Section button to edit or type information (up to 50 characters per line).
    NOTE: You may uncheck the Print box on the lines that you do not want to print on the order.
    1. Examples:
      1. “Req. # RXXXXXXX Attachment, Quote #C8766—via campus mail.”
      2. “Dept. Contact: John Smith 217-333-1234.” Keep the Print box selected.
      3. “Recommend this order to be set up as a Standing Order.” Uncheck the Print box.
  10. Click the Insert button to add more lines.
  11. Click the Save button to save the document text.
  12. Click the Close button to return to FZAREQN.
  13. Click the Next Section button to see vendor information.
  14. Verify whether the vendor ID is correct. If it’s correct, skip to step 16. If it’s wrong, go to the next step.
  15. Enter the correct vendor ID in the Vendor field. Skip to step 18.
    NOTE: You cannot change the default vendor information if you change the vendor. To do so, you need to submit an updated Vendor Information Form, available from Vendor Payment Forms.
  16. Verify whether the vendor address is correct. If it’s correct, skip to step 18. If it’s wrong, go to the next step.
  17. Click the Search button next to the Address Type or Sequence fields to select a different vendor address. If the address is not listed, submit an updated Vendor Information Form, available from Vendor Payment Forms.
    NOTE: You can change the vendor address only if the vendor ID is correct in step 14.
  18. Click the Next Section button to see information in the Commodity/Accounting block.
  19. Press TAB to review all the fields for an item.
  20. Review pricing and make pricing changes, if necessary.
  21. In the Description field, delete the default commodity code description and enter the vendor’s catalog number (if available) and a brief description of what you are purchasing.
    NOTE: No more than 35 characters are allowed in the Description field. Defaulted commodity information may be changed or removed if needed and new records may be added.
  22. Select Item Text from the Related menu to enter any additional information for that item.
  23. Click the Next Section button.
  24. Type or edit any additional information.
    NOTE: You do not need to repeat the information from the Description field (step 21).
  25. Click the Save button to save item text.
  26. Click the Close button to return to FZAREQN.
  27. Click the Next Section button.
  28. Review the FOAPAL information for accuracy. Make any changes as needed.
  29. If you made any changes to the quantities in the Commodity/Accounting section, make sure to TAB through the lines to allow Banner to recalculate the requisition.
  30. Repeat steps 19-29 as needed for each item.
  31. Click the Next Section button.
  32. Click the Complete button to complete the requisition for approval.
    Click the In Process button to put the requisition in process to complete at a later time.
  33. Click the Close button to return to the main menu.
  34. Click the Close button again to exit Banner.

Keywordsrequisitions, purchasing, procurement   Doc ID120347
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-08 11:41:42Updated2024-04-02 11:35:52
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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