Results: 41-60 of 66

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
41UAFR - Self-Supporting Funds Redistributing Revenue1204692024-04-022059
42UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Unearned Revenue Reference Tool1294352024-04-021662
43UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Receivable Reference Tool1294322024-04-021665
44UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Payable Reference Tool1294312024-04-021481
45UAFR - Year-End Fact Sheets1189822024-04-021776
46UAFR - Relinquishing Money from a Gift Fund to an External Institution1201162024-04-022165
47UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets: Inventory for Resale Reference Tool1291282024-04-021495
48UAFR - Processing Fund Transfers Between Gift Funds1195812024-04-022813
49UAFR -Year End Labor Redistributions1195852024-04-022501
50Sponsored Programs - Multi-Year Encumbrance Date Logic - End Date1191822024-03-011188
51Sponsored Programs - Multi-Year Encumbrance Date Logic - Start Date1191802024-03-011277
52UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance I Glossary1227532024-02-022041
53UAFR - Using Favorites in Account Code Search1195822024-02-022248
54UAFR - Partial Liquidation of General Encumbrances1190692024-02-022175
55UAFR - Query Searches Using One Field1189762024-02-022391
56UAFR - Query Searching Using Multiple Fields1189772024-02-022288
57UAFR - Ways to Prevent the Creation of Misclassified C-FOAPALS1190482024-02-021885
58UAFR - Organizational Encumbrance List Page1190672024-02-022133
59UAFR - Total Liquidation of General Encumbrance1191372024-02-022620
60UAFR - Encumbrance List Page1190652024-02-022079
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