Results: 81-100 of 284

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
81UPB - Consistent Dates in Honorarium Forms for Foreign Nationals [Campus login required]1198992024-08-02138
82Sponsored Programs - Grant Code Conventions1382942024-07-30465
83iBuy - McKesson Corporation @00727722 Non-Catalog Item Ordering (McKesson Requestor Only)1349742024-07-251073
84UAFR - Order Red & White "State of Illinois, University of Illinois" Stickers1354082024-07-121269
85iBuy - Completing the Standing Order Form1202772024-07-084045
86UPB - Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Bi-Weekly Hourly Non-Exempt Employees1197122024-07-082622
87UPB - Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Bi-Weekly Feeder Employees1197112024-07-082472
88Denodo - Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server db1373942024-07-03498
89UPB - PARIS Training, Job Aids, and Resources1378012024-07-03703
90UPB -Initiating a Current Pay Adjustment (CPA) for Academic (Monthly) Employees1197132024-07-032603
91Denodo - Re-creating OAuth Credentials for Box and SharePoint Integrations1373972024-07-01508
92Denodo - Ingesting Table/Column Comments into Base Views1379382024-07-01417
93UPAY - Department Card Manager: Modify, Cancel, or Suspend a TCard in TCS1206902024-06-252611
94UPAY - Department Card Manager: Search for a TCard in TCS1163182024-06-254273
95UPAY - Department Card Manager: Act as a Department Card Manager (DCM) Delegate in TCS1206892024-06-212012
96UAFR - Gift and Endowment Income Fund Terminations1201182024-06-212924
97Department Card Manager: Act as a Department Card Manager (DCM) Delegate in TCS1163132024-06-214454
98UAFR - Introduction to Banner & Finance I1205072024-06-214412
99iBuy - Completing the PO Special Payment Request Form1202902024-06-213759
100Internal Controls - Prohibited Role Combinations Explained1316522024-06-112665
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