Results: 1-20 of 32

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1University Bursar - Viewing Account Comments1187322024-02-021661
2University Bursar - Entering GAR Charges and Credits with the Account Detail Form (TFADETL)1187272024-02-022148
3Bursar - Student Account Payment Request Workflow1204712024-02-021528
4UAFR - Using Favorites in Account Code Search1195822024-02-021762
5iBuy - Using Equipment and Non-Equipment Account Codes on the Same Requisition1202852024-05-072599
6UPB - Viewing and Editing an Account Distribution in Web Time Entry1354012024-02-12436
7UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance II1205082024-06-212688
8UAFR - Introduction to Banner & Finance I1205072024-06-213305
9UAFR - C-FOAPAL Quick Guide1359532024-03-11602
10UAFR - FABweb Disposals Course1244442024-07-011879
11iBuy - Splitting Accounting Codes (C-FOAPAL)1202842024-05-072733
12UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Receivable Reference Tool1294322024-04-021199
13UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Payable Reference Tool1294312024-04-021074
14UAFR - Unit Contact Certificate Course Resources1333422024-04-02825
15UAFR - FABweb Unit Rep Certificate Course Resources1205672024-04-022979
16UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance I Resources1227552024-04-022122
17Bursar - Accounts Receivable Processing Welcome Kit1194482024-04-012705
18UAFR - AR Finance Feeder Front-End User Guide1361692024-03-20794
19UAFR - Year End Fact Sheet Webinar1236762024-03-15690
20Purchasing – Creating a Requisition with Line Level Accounting1356722024-03-05363
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