Results: 1-20 of 62

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance I1205072025-02-135126
2UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance II1205082024-08-304235
3UAFR - Banner Page Naming Conventions1187492024-06-101773
4UAFR - Query Searching Using Multiple Fields1189772024-02-022474
5UAFR - Query Searches Using One Field1189762024-02-022553
6SYSTEM HR - Banner Terminology1203692024-09-183870
7UPAY - Banner Vendor Setup and Update1203902025-02-102512
8UAFR - Overview of Banner Program Codes & NACUBO Functions1195182024-12-2010080
9SYSTEM HR - Banner Relationship Type Codes for Emergency Contact Information1203812024-09-181859
10UPAY - Banner Vendor ID and Address Query1203892024-09-133134
11UAFR - Introduction to Banner and Finance I Glossary1227532024-02-022285
12UAFR - Banner Fixed Asset Master Query Page (FFIMAST)1208352024-02-022862
13UAFR - Banner Document History Query Page (FOIDOCH)1208342024-02-023507
14Tips for Unit Security Contacts and Superusers on how to create, maintain & troubleshoot the time approval routing queue in Banner797492023-10-05895
15iBuy - Change Request Process in iBuy (Purchasing Only)1320702025-03-132697
16iBuy - Closing a Purchase Order in iBuy (Purchasing Only)1442392025-02-25711
17UAFR - Introduction to My-UI-Financials1447282025-01-31457
18UAFR - Finding Your C-FOP Balance1193242025-01-152665
19University Bursar - Entering GAR Charges and Credits with the Account Detail Form (TFADETL)1187272024-12-132992
20University Bursar - Entering GAR Charges and Credits with the Account Detail Form (TFAMASS)1187292024-09-252616
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