Results: 1-16 of 16

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1UAFR - Finding Your C-FOP Balance1193242024-02-272131
2UAFR - Year-End Fact Sheets1189822024-04-021682
3UAFR -Year End Labor Redistributions1195852024-04-022341
4UAFR - Year End Fact Sheet Webinar1236762024-03-15856
5Sponsored Programs - Multi-Year Encumbrance Date Logic - End Date1191822024-03-011090
6UAFR - Request Access to Journal Voucher Finance Feeder1351622024-01-31533
7UAFR - AR Finance Feeder Front-End User Guide1361692024-09-301185
8UAFR - JV Feeder Front-End User Guide1361722024-09-301097
9SYSTEM HR - HR Front End Training1242202024-09-092181
10UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Prepaid Expenses Reference Tool1294342024-06-112158
11UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Receivable Reference Tool1294322024-04-021518
12UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Accounts Payable Reference Tool1294312024-04-021392
13UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets - Unearned Revenue Reference Tool1294352024-04-021553
14UAFR - Annual Year-End Fact Sheets: Inventory for Resale Reference Tool1291282024-04-021409
15UAFR - Completing & Submitting Year End Fact Sheets1290522023-08-071287
16UAFR - Gift and Endowment Income Fund Terminations1201182024-06-212838

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