Results: 1-12 of 12

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Denodo - VQL (Virtual Query Language) Guide1376252024-07-01708
2Sponsored Programs - Multi-Year Labor Encumbering1325162024-06-26353
3UPB - Performing Labor Redistributions1204232024-05-133576
4UAFR -Year End Labor Redistributions1195852024-04-022340
5UPB - Editing Labor Distributions in PARIS1196962024-03-202703
6UPB - Viewing and Editing an Account Distribution in Web Time Entry1354012024-02-12674
7UPB - Initiating a Prior Underpayment Adjustment (PUA) Late Job for Bi-Weekly Exempt Employees1197572023-05-122135
8UPB - Submitting an Overpayment Adjustment Request for a Monthly Employee1198112023-03-282088
9UPB - Submitting an Overpayment Adjustment Request for a Bi-Weekly Employee1198102023-03-282155
10UPB - Initiating a Prior Underpayment Adjustment (PUA) Late Job for Monthly Employees1198262022-11-164578
11UPB - Initiating a Prior Underpayment Adjustment (PUA) Job Change for Monthly Employee1197502022-10-252143
12UPB - Initiating a Prior Underpayment Adjustment (PUA) for a Late Job for Bi-Weekly Hourly Employees1197602022-10-242085

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