Topics Map > Accounting & Budgeting > Encumbrances

UAFR - Adjusting a General Encumbrance

  1. Type FGAJVCD in the Search field, and press the ENTER key to open the Journal Voucher Entry page.
  2. Click the Go button.
  3. Press the TAB key to advance to the Document Total field, and type the total amount of the adjustment.
  4. Select Document Text from the Related menu to open FOATEXT.  Type the reason for the adjustment.
  5. Click the Insert button to advance to the next available text line.
  6. Type your name, unit, and 10-digit phone number.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Click the Close button.
  9. Click the Next Section button to open the Journal Voucher Detail section.
  10. Press the TAB key to advance to the Journal Type field and type 502.
  11. Press the TAB key to advance to the COA field and type your Chart code.
  12. Press the TAB key to advance to the Fund field and type your Fund code.
  13. Press the TAB key to advance to the Orgn field and type your Organization code.
  14. Press the TAB key to advance to the Acct field and type your Account code.
  15. Type your Program code in the Prog field.
  16. NOTE: Activity and Location codes are optional.
  17. Press the TAB key to advance to the Amount field and type the amount of the adjustment.
  18. Select + Plus in the Debit/Credit field if you wish to increase the encumbrance balance. Select - Minus in the Debit/Credit field to decrease the encumbrance balance.
  19. Press the TAB key to advance to the Description field and type a description of the adjustment.
  20. Press the TAB key to advance to the Encumbrance Number field. Type the encumbrance document number.
  21. Press the TAB key to advance to the Item Number field and type 0.
  22. Press the TAB key to advance to the Sequence field and type the sequence number you are adjusting from the original encumbrance.
  23. Press the TAB key to advance to the Action field and select Adjustment from the list of values.
  24. Click the Next Section button.
  25. Click the Complete button.
  26. Click the Close button to return to the main menu.

KeywordsAdjusting a General Encumbrance   Doc ID119051
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-06-15 13:42:39Updated2024-02-02 11:00:04
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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