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UAFR - Payroll Reports Guide

Payroll Reports Guide

Log on to Mobius View and View the Reports

Mobius View is an application that replicates the static month-end reports and allows you to quickly access copies of month-end reports that are ready to print or download. These reports are indexed by Organization code. Because they are static, the response time to view them is minimal, as the data has previously been retrieved and formatted. However, you will not have the option to further refine or expand the report using other parameters.

Unit personnel requiring access to the various Payroll by Person reports must request the following from their Unit Security Contact (USC):

  • Module: Reports – HR-Pay
  • Increment: Departmental Mobius View Reports
  • Profile: Labor Distribution Reports

The Payroll Expense by Person Reports

The Payroll Expense by Person reports lists payroll labor distributions by Account code and allow units to view details that correspond to the charges posted to their departmental C-FOAPALs in Banner. There are two different Payroll Expense by Person reports available based on timeframes: Pay Period and Month End. The Pay Period Statement runs after each bi-weekly and monthly payroll calculation and is available in Mobius View three days before the pay date.

Each report contains all payroll activity since the previous pay period report, including original pay, adjustments, and redistributions (earnings transfers). By reviewing the Pay Period statement, units can verify if employees will be paid properly. The Month End statement runs after each Finance month-end closing. It includes all the payroll activity that posted to Finance during that particular month. Units may use these reports to reconcile labor distributions on their C-FOAPALs and to assist in the management of departmental funds.


Report ID

Report Name


Payroll Expense by Person Pay Period


Payroll Expense by Person Month End

Accessing the Payroll Expense by Person Reports with Mobius View

  1. Go to the following URL: Mobius View
  2. Enter your Username and password.
  3. Click the Login button.
  4. Click the file folder icon on the left side. This opens the reports available to your ID.
    NOTE: The top-level display shows all your available report folders. If you do not see the report you are looking for, check the Content Classes folder.
  5. Select HRPAY00103 (Payroll Expense by Person Month End) or HRPAY00104 (Payroll Expense by Person Pay Period).
  6. Click the report folder you would like to view. A list of sections organized by Organization code and Chart will display.
  7. Click the folder with the appropriate Organization code. The Payroll Expense by Person report will display in the left pane of the window.
    NOTE: You can expand the report size or enter full-screen mode by clicking the Full Screen or Expand icons in the top right corner.

NOTE: Mobius View times out after one hour of inactivity.

Searching for Reports in Mobius View (or Using the Search Function to Locate Reports)

To Search For a Specific report: Enter search criteria in the Jump to folder field to quickly search for a specific report folder, report ID, and/or report section. You can also click the Search icon on the left side to create and save a search.

To Search Within a Report: Use the Find field in the top right corner to search for information within a report.

NOTE: Remember to look in the heading of the report to make sure that the criteria of the report matches what you need (such as date range, Organization, etc.).

Report Output

Field Definitions for the Payroll Expense by Person Pay Period Report


Field Name


Fiscal Year

Fiscal year of report run.

Pay Year

Calendar year of report run.

Pay ID

BW (Bi-weekly) or MN (Monthly).

Pay No

A number issued to uniquely identify a period within a calendar year.


Identifies University or major accounting entity. 1 = Urbana- Champaign, 2 = Chicago, 4 = Springfield, 9 = System Offices.


Identifies functional reporting units.


Field Name



Identifies a source of revenue.


Identifies NACUBO function.

Status Indicator for Fund, Org, and Program

“A” indicates code is active.

Grant Code

User-defined or system-assigned grant identification code.

Grant Start Date

The start of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Grant End Date

The end of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Financial Manager

The people with fiscal responsibility for the organization.

Principal Investigator

The person responsible for the sponsored project award as specified in the award documents. Fund, Organization, and Program segments can have principal investigators.


Designates asset, liability, equity, revenue, expenditure, & transfers.


Employee’s name.


University Identification Number.


Employee class. Employee grouping based on shared attributes, such as benefits and leave accruals.


Position. An approved slot that a unit holds.

Posn Suff

Position Suffix. This field indicates whether there is more than one job for the selected position number.

Pay Cat

Pay Category. A = Gross Pay. D = Fringe Expense.

Pay Seq

Pay Sequence. Numbers that uniquely identify pay events; any transaction applied to a pay event is assigned a sequence number. The original pay event is zero (0).


FTE is the Full-Time Equivalent value.

Pay Period Code

Pay Year, Pay ID and Pay No.

Pay Period Begin Dt

Beginning date of pay period.

Pay Period End Dt

Ending date of pay period.


Hours paid.

Fringe Rate

Rate of fringe expense calculation.


Expense amount.

Doc Num

Banner document number.


Activity code.


Location code.

Sub Total

A calculation of the total transactions for each Account code.

Total Personnel Expense

The total of all Account codes.

Field Definitions for the Payroll Expense by Person Month End


Field Name


Fiscal Year

Fiscal year of report run.


Fiscal Period


Identifies University or major accounting entity. 1 = Urbana- Champaign, 2 = Chicago, 4 = Springfield, 9 = System Offices.


Identifies functional reporting units.


Identifies a source of revenue.


Identifies NACUBO function.

Grant Code

User-defined or system-assigned grant identification code.

Grant Start Date

The beginning of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Grant End Date

The end of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Financial Manager

The person with fiscal responsibility for the organization.

Principal Investigator

The person specified in award documents as responsible for a sponsored project. Fund, Org, and Program segments can have principal investigators.


Designates asset, liability, equity, revenue, expenditure, and transfers.


Employee’s name.


University Identification Number.


Employee class. Employee grouping based on shared attributes, such as benefits and leave accruals.


Position. An approved slot that a unit holds.

Posn Suff

Position Suffix. This field indicates whether there is more than one job for the selected position number.

Pay Cat

Pay Category. A=Gross Pay. D=Fringe Expense.

Pay Seq

Numbers that uniquely identify pay events; any transaction applied to a pay event is assigned a sequence number. The original pay event is zero (0).


FTE is the Full-Time Equivalent value.

Pay Period Code

Pay Year, Pay ID and Pay No.

Pay Period Begin Dt

Beginning date of pay period.

Pay Period End Dt

Ending date of pay period.


Hours paid.

Fringe Rate

Rate of fringe expense calculation.


Field Name



Expense amount.

Doc Num

Banner document number.


Activity code corresponding to the encumbrance document.

Sub Total

A calculation of the total transactions for each Account code.

Total Personnel Expense

The total of all Account codes.

The Payroll Encumbrance by Person Reports

The Payroll Encumbrance by Person reports is organized by C-FOAPAL and lists the remaining labor encumbrances by employee as of the date the report is run. The report is run after each bi- weekly and monthly payroll calculation and is also run as a monthly report after the successful close of each month in Finance. Units may use these reports to reconcile open labor encumbrances on their C-FOAPALs and to assist in the management of departmental funds.


Report ID

Report Name


Payroll Encumbrance by Person Pay Period


Payroll Encumbrance by Person Month End

Accessing the Payroll Encumbrance by Person Reports with Mobius View

  1. Go to the following URL: Mobius View.
  2. Enter your Username and password.
  3. Click the Login button.
  4. Click the file folder icon on the left side. This opens the reports available to your ID.
    NOTE: The top-level display shows all your available report folders. If you do not see the report you are looking for, check the Content Classes folder.
  5. Select HRPAY00098 (Payroll Encumbrance by Person Pay Period) or HRPAY00102 (Payroll Encumbrance by Person Month End).
  6. Click the report folder you would like to view. A list of sections organized by Organization code and Chart will display.
  7. Click the folder with the appropriate Org code. The Payroll Encumbrance by Person report will display in the left pane of the window.
    NOTE: You can expand the report size or enter full-screen mode by clicking the Full Screen or Expand icons in the top right corner

NOTE: Mobius View times out after one hour of inactivity.

Searching for Reports in Mobius View (or Using the Search Function to Locate Reports)

To Search for a Specific Report: Enter search criteria in the Jump to folder field to quickly search for a specific report folder, report ID, and/or report section. You can also click the Search icon on the left side to create and save a search.

To Search Within a Report: Use the Find field in the top right corner to search for information within a report.

NOTE: Remember to look in the heading of the report to make sure that the criteria of the report matches what you need (such as date range, Organization, etc.).

Viewing the Report Output

Field Definitions for the Payroll Encumbrance by Person Report


Field Name


Fiscal Year

Fiscal year of report run.

As of Date (Pay Period Version)

The date that the report is run. The pay period report is run after each biweekly and monthly payroll calculation. The monthly report is run after the successful close of each month in Finance.

Period (Month End Version)

Fiscal Period


Identifies University or major accounting entity. 1 = Urbana- Champaign, 2 = Chicago, 4 = Springfield, 9 = System Offices.


Identifies functional reporting units.


Identifies a source of revenue.


Identifies NACUBO function.

Project Start Dt

The beginning of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Project End Dt

The ending of the grant’s fiscal timeline.

Budget Start Dt

The beginning of the obligated funding period.

Budget End Dt

The ending of the obligated funding period.

Fund Term Dt

The last date the fund code is no longer usable.

Grant Code

User-defined or system-assigned grant identification code.

Financial Manager

The person with fiscal responsibility for the organization.

Principal Investigator

The person responsible for the sponsored project award as specified in the award documents.


Designates asset, liability, equity, revenue, expenditure, and transfers.


Employee’s name.


University Identification Number.


Employee class. Employee grouping based on shared attributes, such as benefits and leave accruals.


An approved slot that a unit holds.

Posn Suff

This field indicates whether there is more than one job for the selected position number.

Appt Begin

Beginning date of the appointment.

Appt End Dt

Ending date of the appointment.

Encumb Num

Encumbrance document number.

Encumb Item

The number of an item in an encumbrance document.

Encumb Seq

Sequence number of a transaction within a Banner document.


Field Name



Rate of pay per pay period.

% Time

Appointment percentage.

Remaining Encumb

Remaining balance for the encumbrance. The sum is calculated including the sign.


Activity code corresponding to the encumbrance document.


Location code corresponding to the encumbrance document.

Sub Total

A calculation of the total transactions for each Account code.

Total Personnel Encumbrances

The total of all Account codes.

Additional Resources for These Reports

This job aid is compiled from the participant guide for the OBFS training course Retrieving General Ledger Reports. If you wish to expand your skills with more information about these finance reports, you may register for this course at:

Training Registration

It may be helpful also to take the following training courses, which are considered prerequisites for the course:

Mobius View, Payroll expense, Payroll encumbrance, Reconciliation process 
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