UAFR - Equipment Management Lifecycle

Equipment Management Lifecycle

The equipment management lifecycle consists of roles, responsibilities, and systems.

Diagram depicting five phases of the equipment management lifecycle, including acquisitions, updates, transfers, surplus/disposal, and biennial inventory.


  1. Definition: During this phase, the University assumes title to equipment through purchase, construction, donation, or transfer. For purchases, once the invoice is paid in Banner, the initial property record is created in Banner and viewable within FABweb for Unit Rep completion and submission.
  2. Unit Rep Role: The Unit Rep role in the acquisitions phase begins once the equipment invoice is paid in Banner and concludes when the new equipment has been labeled and added to University inventory by completing and submitting the FABweb record to UPAR.
  3. Unit Rep Responsibilities: The Unit Rep provides timely submission of FABweb new acquisition transactions by communicating effectively with their unit’s purchasing staff and UPAR, as needed.
  4. Systems Involved: FABweb is used to process new acquisition transactions. Banner is the repository of official University property records.
  5. Related Policies: 12.1 Process New Acquisitions


  1. Definition: Ideally, this phase is the longest phase of the lifecycle. During this phase, equipment is used for its intended purpose and carefully maintained to support its performance over time.
  2. Unit Rep Role: The Unit Rep role in the updates phase occurs while equipment is actively in use by the unit.
  3. Unit Rep Responsibilities: The Unit Rep provides timely updates to property records via FABweb, specifically updates to the Location and Condition codes as well as the Custodian and Equipment Manager attributes. Updating property records regularly ensures that the biennial inventory process goes smoothly.
  4. Systems Involved: FABweb is used to process update transactions. Banner is the repository of official University property records.
  5. Related Policies: 12.2 Maintain Equipment Records


  1. Definition: This phase occurs in the lifecycle of some, but not all, equipment. During this phase, interdepartmental transfers of equipment are processed. Equipment may also be transferred out of or into custody of the University from another institution, State Surplus, or an individual researcher.
  2. Unit Rep Role: The Unit Rep role in the transfers phase occurs when equipment needs to be transferred between units.
  3. Unit Rep Responsibilities: The Unit Rep processes interdepartmental transfers of equipment via FABweb. Transferring property records as needed ensures the biennial inventory process goes smoothly.
  4. Systems Involved: FABweb is used to process interdepartmental transfer transactions. Banner is the repository of official University property records.
  5. Related Policies: 12.3 Transfers and Loans


  1. Definition: During this phase, units properly dispose of equipment. This phase cannot be overlooked due to State and University policies and procedures as well as certain environmental and safety regulations for discarding equipment.
  2. Unit Rep Role: The Unit Rep role in the surplus/disposals phase occurs when unneeded equipment is removed from a unit’s custody because the equipment is broken or non-functioning (scrap) or no longer needed (surplus) and therefore needs to be disposed.
  3. Unit Rep Responsibilities: The Unit Rep provides timely disposals of property records via FABweb for inventoried and non-inventoried equipment. All equipment which is disposed of must be sent to the surplus warehouse.
  4. Systems Involved: FABweb is used to process surplus and disposal transactions. Banner is the repository of official University property records.
  5. Related Policies: 12.4 Disposals

Biennial Inventory

  1. Definition: The biennial inventory process requires verification of the accuracy of the property record and assures that equipment is physically present.
  2. Roles and Responsibilities: The Unit Rep role in the biennial inventory process is to collaborate with the Unit Contact to make necessary updates via FABweb to resolve any data issues identified. The Unit Contact role in the biennial inventory process is to manage the entire physical inventory by conducting an exhaustive search of facilities, updating records, and creating a final certification. The Unit Specialist role in the biennial inventory process is to assist the Unit Contact. The Unit Head role in the biennial inventory process is to approve the Unit Contact’s final certification.
  3. Systems Involved: The FABweb system is used only by the Unit Rep. The Biennial Inventory system is used by the Unit Contact and Unit Head. Banner is the repository of official University property records.
  4. Related Policies: 12.2.1 Complete a Biennial Inventory

Equipment Management Lifecycle 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources