UPB - Setting Up ANA Proxies

Setting Up ANA Proxies

Proxies for the Adjustment Notifications Application (ANA) are set up in Banner Workflow.

  1. Log in to Banner Workflow (see the Process Automation section of the Application Directory).
  2. Click User Information. 
  3. Click Add Proxy for the appropriate Role Name (e.g., Department Approver or Department Originator).
  4. Select the appropriate Enterprise ID from the User drop-down box.
  5. Enter the Effective To date (use a date far in the future like 31-JAN-2030).
  6. Check Confidential and Non-Confidential.
  7. Click Save.

KeywordsOverpayment, ANA   Doc ID119773
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-07-18 14:45:16Updated2022-10-12 12:24:01
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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