UAFR - My-UI-Financials Access Manager - Copy or Move Roles

My-UI-Financials Access Manager - Copy or Move Roles
  1. Login to the My-UI-Financials Access Manager.
  2. Select the Search tab.
  3. Select the NetID, Name, or UIN option under the Search for user by NetID, Name, or UIN section.
  4. Enter the information of the person that you want to copy or move the roles.
  5. Select Search.
  6. Select Manage/View Access.
  7. Select the check box next to the access you want to copy.
  8. Select Copy Selected Roles.
  9. Select the NetID, Name, or UIN option under the Search for User to Copy Selected Role(s) to section.
  10. Enter the required information in the empty fields.
  11. Select Search.
  12. Select Copy Roles.
  13. In the pop-up window select Copy Roles.

Access will be available the next day.

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My-UI-Financials Access Manager - Copy or Move Roles myuifinancials myuifinancials 
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University of Illinois Training and Development Resources