Remote Access to PACS, RaptorMed, Q-Pulse, Vetstar, SANDI, Instinct

Please use the instructions below to download the remote connection link to your personal laptop for PACS (Imaging System), Vetstar (Health Info Systems), RaptorMed (Wildlife), Q-Pulse (VDL QA) or Instinct Treatment Plan. Staff normally have these programs already fully installed on their University computer. The instructions below can be used to run the program as a RemoteApps if working on a computer without the program installed. For example if working remotely or a personal (non-university) computer.

Ensure you are connected to the internet. If you are on campus, you should connect to IllinoisNet.  

IllinoisNet Wireless Connection Instructions: Wireless @illinois 

Download Instructions (Windows and MacOS)

The apps most commonly needed by students, interns and residents have been upgraded to web applications and no longer require the RDP setup (see section below the table). 

  • For the web apps, the table below has a link to the website (URL) which you can bookmark in your browser or add as a desktop bookmark shortcut. 
  • For apps that require the RDP function, you will follow the additional Remote Desktop instructions below after you download the file.  We recommend you save these downloads to your desktop to make setup easier.  For Macs, do not try to launch the file until after Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 is installed.  

Description  Download / URL Students  Staff  Admin Web App RDP Setup  VPN Required when Remote (Note 1)
 PACS - Imaging System  (Note 4)  PACS  x     Yes No  Yes
 SANDI - Health Information System (Note 3)  SANDI  x  x  x Yes No  Yes
 Instinct - Treatment Plan (Note 5)  Instinct x x x No Yes  Yes
 RaptorMed - Wildlife  RaptorMed  x     No Yes  No
 Vetstar - Health Information System (Retiring soon, use SANDI)  Vetstar      x No Yes  No
 VADDS - VDL Lab Information System (Note 2)  VADDS    x  x No Yes  No
 Q-Pulse - VDL Quality Assurance  Q-Pulse    x   x No Yes  No

Note 1:  When in the classroom a VPN will not be required.  When not physically on the Vet Med campus a VPN will be required:  VPN instructions.

Note 2:  This RDP takes users to the telnet login screen for VADDS users and administrators, but can also be used by Vetstar administrators.

Note 3:  SANDI is the new web-based version of Vetstar. It is a web shortcut rather than a file download, so users should bookmark or add as a desktop shortcut. Chrome is the recommend browser.  Per Note 1, a VPN is required if offsite.

Note 4: Students are encouraged to use the web version on their personal computers as it is more convenient:  Students that are interested may access the full software version seen on computers around the clinic through this RDP file:  PACS  This RDP app will prompt you for your credentials twice (once for the remote connection and once for the application login itself).     
Note 5:  The first time you login you will see "Instinct needs to authenticate your practice".  Select Start Auto Log In and then enter your PIN.

Remote Desktop (RDP) Instructions

Windows Setup Instructions 

    1. Navigate to where you saved the file, and launch it.
    2. A box will appear asking if you are sure you want to connect. Check the Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer box.
    3. Select Connect
    4. When prompted to enter your credentials type uofi\xxxxx and your NetID password (campus email password). For Example: uofi\tinab
    5. Select Remember my credentials
    6. Select OK
    7. A final box will show up asking to confirm the certificate. Check the Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer box
    8. Select Yes
    9. You will see the login screen for the application you selected.
Repeat these steps for each application you need to access. (You be presented with a login on subsequent application downloads.)

Apple macOS Setup Instructions

    1. Install Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 via the App Store

    2. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 via the macOS Launchpad or via Applications > Microsoft Remote Desktop

    3. Select Connections > Import from RDP file...

    4. Select the file(s) you downloaded in the Download Instructions section above and click the Import button

    5. In Microsoft Remote Desktop, hover your mouse over one of the connections you imported and click on the pencil icon to open up the Edit PC prompt.

    6. Under User account:, select Add User Account... to bring up the Add a User Account prompt

    7. Enter your uofi\(your NetID) as the username.  For example, if your NetID is thisisanetid, then you would enter uofi\thisisanetid. Enter your NetID password and click the Add button.

    8. Ensure the username you entered is selected as the User account: and click the Save button

    9. For the rest of the connections you have imported:

      1. Hover over over the connection and click on the pencil icon to open up the Edit PC prompt

      2. Select the user you set up under User account: in step 6 above and then click the Save button

    10. You can now double click on the connections within Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to them.

      • On your first attempt to connect, you may be notified about the certificate.  Press the Continue button to continue connecting

Potential Errors


You get "The publisher of this RemoteApp program can't be identified."

Click "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" and click connect


You then get "The identity of this computer cannot be verified"
Click "Don't ask me again for connections to this computer" and click Yes



 When connecting to one of the desktops, if you receive the following error, select Continue.

 "You are connecting to the RDP host "DAISY.AD.UILLINOIS.EDU".  The certificate couldn't be verified back to a root certificate.  Your connection may not be secure.  do you want to continue?"


SANDI and Vetstar Single Sign-On


After successfully reaching the login screen webpage you receive an error: says "You cannot be logged in the user account [###] is inactive in Vetstar

Solution:  User has been added to Vetstar but not yet been given access permissions because they have not completed their Compass/Canvas training with Medical records.  Contact Medical Records. says "You cannot be logged in No user if Vetstar is mapped to [your NetI]

Solution:  User account has not been added to Vetstar yet, most likely because they have not completed their Compass/Canvas training with Medical records.  Contact Medical Records.

More Troubleshooting (Internal docs for IT Team)

  1. [Link for document 128628 is unavailable at this time]



Keywordsdino, daisy, rdp, remote, remote desktop, vetstar, his, slides, histo, patient, record, imaging, raptormed, wildlife, q-pulse, qa, vdl, slidehosting slidehoting, imagescope, image scope qpulse vadds, Sandi, instinct, treatment sheets   Doc ID92304
OwnerJeff F.GroupUI College of Veterinary Medicine
Created2019-06-10 13:43:29Updated2024-02-02 15:53:33
SitesUniversity of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine
Feedback  19   22