UPB - Working with Routing Queues in Banner

Working with Routing Queues in Banner

This job aid provides step-by-step instructions on how to work with Routing Queues in Banner.

Each department is responsible for maintaining its own Routing Queue(s) for each Timesheet Organization. The Superuser for each Timesheet Organization is responsible for setting up and maintaining the Routing Queue.

NOTE: There can only be one Routing Queue per Timesheet Organization. If a department has multiple Timesheet Organizations, a Routing Queue needs to be set up for each Timesheet Organization.

The Approver role within the Routing Queue is set by the position of the Approver. If an Approver leaves his/her position or the position is modified, such as a title change, the Routing Queue will be invalid until the Superuser updates it with new Approver information.

The Routing Queue will need to be updated prior to timesheet extraction with the information of the employee who will fill the newly vacated position or with information of another employee chosen to be the Approver for that Routing Queue. Timesheets in any other status than “Not Started” will be inaccessible for entry and approval.

This job aid contains information about establishing and modifying time approval Routing Queues including:

Establishing the Routing Queue in NTRRQUE

Each Routing Queue requires at least one Approver in an active position who will be approving the department timesheets within the COA and Timesheet Organization. Approvers must be from non-pooled positions.

  1. Collect the following information before you begin setting up a Routing Queue:
    1. Chart of Accounts (COA)
    2. Timesheet Organization(s)
    3. Approvers
    4. Acknowledgers (optional, see steps below for adding Acknowledgers)
  2. Open Routing Queue Rules (NTRRQUE) .
  3. Enter the COA .
  4. Enter the Organization .
  5. Click the Go button.
  6. Under Approval Category , enter “TIME”.
  7. Click the Next Section button to move to the Details Section .
  8. Type “1” in the Approver Sequence field.
    NOTE: The Mandatory Approver box should never be checked. If this box is checked, the Routing Queue may become invalid.
  9. Tab to the Approver Position field and type the position number for the Approver.
  10. In the Approver Action field, select Approve.
  11. Click the Save button.
  12. Click the Close button.

Establishing Multiple Approvers

A department may assign more than one Approver in a sequential manner. Each of the Approvers assigned approves the timesheets for the selected COA and Timesheet Organization in the order they are sequenced. If a timesheet is returned for correction, all Approvers in the Routing Queue who have approved the timesheet will need to approve the timesheet again.

NOTE: Establishing multiple Approvers is not a business practice recommended by University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) due to the risk of delaying payment to the employee. If any Approver in the Routing Queue for the timesheet organization is not available during the limited time to approve timesheets, the timesheets will remain in a “Pending” status and the employees in the timesheet organization will need to be paid by payroll adjustments.

The procedures for setting up multiple Approvers in the Routing Queue are similar to the procedures for setting up a single Approver. However, Approvers must be numbered in sequence (1, 2, 3, etc.) according to the order that they will approve timesheets.

  1. Open Routing Queue Rules (NTRRQUE) .
  2. Enter the COA .
  3. Enter the Organization .
  4. Click the Go button.
  5. Under Approval Category , select Time Entry and Approval .
  6. Click the Insert button to add an Approver to the routing queue.
  7. Type “2” (or next number in the sequence) in the next available row under the Approver Sequence field.
  8. Tab to the Approver Position field and type the position number for the Approver.
  9. In the Approver Action field, select Approve .
  10. Repeat steps 6-9 to add additional Approvers in the sequence as needed.
  11. Click the Save button.
  12. Click the Close button.

Establishing Acknowledgers

An Acknowledger can only view the timesheet and cannot interfere with the approval process or change records submitted by the Originator. No action is required of an Acknowledger for the timesheet to move along a Routing Queue or to be approved, though the Acknowledger's status will show as "Pending" if they have taken no action.

Acknowledgers are included whenever an authorized person should be informed of the timesheet details of an employee. An example of this is when an employee is working for one person (the Acknowledger) in the department, but his/her Approver is a different person. In this case, the Acknowledger wishes to be informed of the details of the employee’s timesheet.

Departments establish Acknowledgers by selecting the “FYI” (instead of “Approve”) option in the Approver Action field in the Routing Queue.


  1. Open Routing Queue Rules (NTRRQUE) .
  2. Enter the COA .
  3. Enter the Organization .
  4. Click the Go button.
  5. Under Approval Category , select Time Entry and Approval .
  6. Edit the sequence number(s) of any record(s) that will be impacted by adding the Acknowledger.
    NOTE: Banner will not allow the addition of a record with an existing sequence number. The sequence number indicated the order in which you want the Acknowledgers and Approvers to be able to see the timesheet information.
  7. Click the Save button to save the sequence change(s).
  8. Click the Insert button to add the new Acknowledger record.
  9. Type the number (sequence) into the Approver Sequence .
  10. In the Approver Action field, select FYI .
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 to add additional Acknowledgers if needed.
  12. Click the Save button.
  13. Click the Close button.

Changing the Approver in NTRRQUE

  1. Open Routing Queue Rules (NTRRQUE) .
  2. Enter the COA .
  3. Enter the Organization .
  4. Remove Position information if it has defaulted into the form.
  5. Click the Go button.
  6. Under Approval Category , select Time Entry and Approval .
  7. Click the Next Section button.
  8. Select the Approver record you wish to change.
  9. Tab to the Approver Position field and type the position number for the new Approver.
  10. Click the Save button.
  11. Click the Close button.

Overriding a Routing Queue

Approvers cannot approve their own timesheets. Approvers are not allowed to approve their own time. If the Approver is part of the same Timesheet Organization he/she is approving, a different Approver must be set up to approve the Approver’s timesheet by overriding the Routing Queue. The department’s Superuser will designate who will serve as the Approver’s Approver.

Overriding a Routing Queue to select an "Approver's Approver" only needs to be completed once for each Approver. It does not have to be repeated for each pay period.

  1. Type NBAJQUE in the Search field and press the ENTER key to open Override Routing Queue .
  2. Type the Approver’s ID in the ID field.
  3. Type the position code in the Position field.
  4. Click the Go button.
  5. Type “TIME” in the Approval Category field.
  6. Click the Next Section button.
  7. Remove all existing Approvers from the Routing Queue.
    1. Select the row of an Approver in the bottom block.
    2. Click the Delete button.
    3. Repeat this for each Approver to clear the Routing Queue.
  8. Enter the Approver Sequence number of the new Approver in the Approver Sequence field.
  9. Type the Position Number of the new Approver in the first Approver Position field.
    NOTE: The title, ID and name of the Approver's Approver will populate into the remaining fields after a valid position number is entered.
  10. Ensure the Approver Action field is set to Approve .
  11. Click the Save button.
    NOTE: An Approver has now been assigned to approve the Approver's timesheet. If there are multiple Approvers in the Routing Queue that need to be overridden, repeat these steps for each Approver.

Setting Up and Maintaining Proxies

Proxies serve as backups for Department Originators and Approvers for each unit. Each Department Originator or Approver establishes a Proxy or Proxies. If a Department Originator or Approver is sick or on vacation, that individual’s proxy can fill in and perform the required duties in their absence, ensuring employees are paid accurately and on time.

Proxies are tied directly to the individual Department Originator or Approver. Therefore, if an employee designated as a Department Originator or Approver is terminated and security access is removed, any Proxies associated with that Department Originator or Approver can no longer be part of the time entry process.

Creating a Proxy

The Electronic Approval Proxy Rules Form (NTRPROX) is used to establish Proxies for Department Originators.

Prior to establishing Proxies, the Proxies’ security access must be confirmed. You will need to know the user ID of the Proxy to establish them in Banner.

  1. Type “NTRPROX” in the Search field and press the ENTER key to open Electronic Approval Proxy Rules .
    NOTE: The ID of the employee accessing the form will be displayed in the User ID field. This field cannot be changed. Therefore, Department Originators and Approvers must establish their own Proxies.
  2. Click the Go button.
  3. Click the Other Modules tab to see any current Proxies and to set up a new Proxy.
  4. Enter the ID of the proxy in the Proxy ID field, then press the TAB key. Their name defaults in the Description field.
  5. Click the Next Section button.
  6. Enter “TIME” in the Module field.
  7.  When the Proxy list is complete, click the Save button to add the Proxies.
    NOTE: To add another proxy:
    1. Click the Previous Section button.
    2. Click the Insert button
    3. Repeat steps 4-6.
  8. Click the Close button.

About Superusers

Superusers have access that allows them to extract, enter, and approve timesheets. Their access begins at Noon on Tuesday and ends at 5 PM. Superuser functions are:

  • Access to make changes to a timesheet after the Noon deadline
  • Delete or remove hours entered incorrectly on a timesheet, and then re-extract to enter the corrected hours
  • Make changes to the Routing Queue through NTRRQUE

Superusers cannot have Proxies. If the Department Originator extracts before noon on Tuesday but does not enter the time, the Superuser will receive a warning message stating they cannot edit the timesheet. (They can still submit without edits.) By submitting, this will send the timesheet into an error status where the Superuser can "Remove the Record.” Once this has been completed, the Superuser can extract, enter time, submit the timesheet for approval and approve the timesheet before 5 PM.

KeywordsDTE, WTE, NTRRQUE, NTRRPROX, department, web   Doc ID119813
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-07-20 08:35:28Updated2024-04-04 09:12:53
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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