UAFR - Creating a Journal Voucher with FGAJVCM

Creating a Journal Voucher with FGAJVCM
  1. Type FGAJVCM in the Search field and press ENTER to open Journal Voucher Mass Entry.
  2. Click the Go button. The Transaction Date field defaults to the system date. You may enter another acceptable date.
  3. Press TAB to move to Document Total field. Type the absolute value of the journal voucher.
  4. Select Related, Document Text from the menu to access FOATEXT.
  5. Type a complete description of the transaction, your name, email, department, and 10-digit phone number. (Press the DOWN ARROW to access each needed text line.)
  6. Click the Save button.
  7. Click the Exit button to return to the Journal Voucher Document Header section.
    NOTE: You can use the fields in the Default Values section to enter any values that will be the same for all or most distribution sequences (records). Default values may be overridden.
  8. Click the Next Section button to access the Journal Voucher Detail block.
    NOTE: For steps 10-14, the Search button is available for each field.
  9. Press TAB to move to the Journal Type field and type the rule code.
  10. Press TAB to move to the Fund field and type the Fund code.
  11. Press TAB to move to the Orgn field and type the Organization code.
  12. Press TAB to move to the Acct field and type the Account code.
  13. Type the Program code in the Prog field.
    NOTE: Activity and Location codes are optional.
  14. Press TAB to move to the Amount field. Type the debit or credit amount of the transaction associated with this record.
  15. Press TAB to move to the Debit/Credit field. Use the pulldown menu to select or type (+Plus) for debit or (-Minus) for credit. Do not select Debit or Credit.
  16. Press TAB to move to the Description field. (The window will adjust to display this field according to your browser’s settings.) Type a brief description of the journal voucher transaction.
  17. Press TAB to access any other relevant fields of the record and type the information.Then click Save.
  18. Create and complete a new record when necessary, or if you are finished, go to step 19.
    1. To create a new record, select Insert and follow steps 10-18.
    2. To duplicate the previous record, select Copy and follow steps 10-18, changing only the pertinent fields as needed.
    3. Any default values will show as you create each new record.
  19. Click the Next Section button.
  20. Click the Complete button to save and submit for posting.
    OR - Click the In Process button to save and complete later.
  21. Click the Close button to return to the landing page.

KeywordsBanner training, Credit, Debit, Document Number, FGAJVCM, FGIDOCR, FOATEXT, Journal Voucher, JV, Reconciliation Process,   Doc ID120431
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-08-10 10:04:16Updated2024-02-02 11:00:06
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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