UAFR - FCIAA-Annual Internal Control Evaluation

UAFR - FCIAA-Annual Internal Control Evaluation

FCIAA is a State-mandated program to aid Illinois State agencies in conducting reviews of their fiscal and administrative systems of internal control. The FCIAA Certification provides a mechanism for the University of Illinois System to report its internal control compliance. Annually, unit heads and financial officers are required to submit FCIAA Certification for each of their respective departments.

Join University Accounting and Financial Reporting and the Office of University Audits to learn about the various roles in the FCIAA process, how to critically review internal controls, and identify internal control weaknesses. You’ll be able to describe FCIAA, find additional training resources, and think more critically and objectively about your own processes and controls. Visit Fiscal Control and Internal Auditing Act (FCIAA) for an application link, critical dates, and training materials.

Take the Course 

Keywordsfinance reporting fiscal   Doc ID124447
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2023-02-28 15:45:54Updated2023-11-08 16:48:45
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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