Instructor Checklist - Engineering IT


Please use the checklist below to make sure your class is successful with its information technology needs, and please forward this page to your course staff as well. For assistance with any of these resources, please contact us at or (217) 333-1313. Have a great semester!

1. Designate Course Staff With Class Tools

  • Course staff groups are used to grant administrative permissions to course resources, such as viewing and editing the rosters, editing web information, course file shares, etc.
  • These groups are cleared near the beginning of each semester and repopulated with the course's primary instructor(s).
  • Additional course staff must be designated at the beginning of each semester. 
  • To designate additional course staff, primary instructors should go to and choose "Edit Staff."
  • For help and more information on using Class Tools, see:

2. Confirm EWS Lab Reservations

3. Confirm Software for Your Course

  • View the standard list of installed software.
  • If you need software installed in EWS labs or remote access environments, please submit a software request at
    • Complications relating to licensing, purchasing, and installation may cause delays, so please submit requests as early as possible.
    • We ask for a minimum of 10 days notice (or more for multiple software titles). 
    • We cannot guarantee the continued installation of software requested for previous semesters.
    • To guarantee you have the software you need, please submit a software request for the respective semester.

4. Confirm A/V In Your Classroom

5. Review Lecture Recording Options

6.  Review Course Website Hosting Options

For assistance with any of these resources, please contact us at or (217) 333-1313. Have a great semester!

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EWS Start-of-Semester instructor checklist lab 
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Khlaf A. in Engineering IT
Shared Services
University of Illinois Engineering IT