Technology Services Printing, Checking Illini Cash balance

How can I check how much Illini Cash that I have?
You can check your Illini Cash by logging in to On the “Summary” screen there is a line for “Illini Cash”. This is your current balance in the Illini Cash system.

You will also see additional balance lines for various credit accounts. These accounts are only used on specific departmental printers, if enabled by the department that owns them. 
You might see a general "Balance" line showing how much printing has been tracked for the school year. However, the general "Balance" does not reflect documents billed through Illini Cash or any payments you have made through Banner. 

The only line that shows your IlliniCash balance is the one labeled "Illini Cash".

Keywordsprinting, printer, print, papercut, billing, Illini Cash, IlliniCash, Bill Me Now, computer lab, ACES, ATLAS, LAS, VetMed, Education, Engineering, FAA, Housing, ICS, BNAAC, LER, iSchool, Law, Library, McKinley, Media, UniHigh, Illini Union   Doc ID59781
OwnerTech Services P.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2016-01-15 11:02:34Updated2020-04-03 16:04:19
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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