Canvas@Illinois, Colored Icons in Turnitin Originality Report

An explanation of what each colored icon means in a Turnitin assignment

For Turnitin assignments, a Turnitin score icon is displayed in the Canvas Gradebook, Turnitin submission area of a Canvas Assignment and in SpeedGrader. The color of the icon represents the similarity index percentage as follows:

  • gray (originality report has not been generated)
  • blue (no matching words)
  • green (1-24% similarity index)
  • yellow (25-49% similarity index)
  • orange (50-74% similarity index)
  • red (75-100% similarity index)
  • clock (Turnitin report is still pending)

Click on the icon to view score details in SpeedGrader.

Keywordscolor, percentage, meaning, key, similarity report, gray, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, clock   Doc ID114783
OwnerCanvas C.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2021-11-10 14:30:34Updated2024-01-03 10:46:50
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Feedback  19   4