Mass Spec - FBS - Mass Spec Request

How to fill out a general mass spec request form in FBS

Submitting a General MassSpec Service Request

  • Log into the Mass Spec Sample submission system FBS. Mass Spec FBS logon
  • The new system will open to your FBS Dashboard
  • Go down to the Products, Services and Scheduling Catalogue and choose MassSpec Request.
  • Fill in the required information including CFOP, Ionization Technique, type of resolution, What your material is soluble in, what type of material you have, what phase is the material, storage and handling instructions, desired output results type. Also include any additional information you know that might help the Staff run your experiment.
  • Upload an image of your target molecule or any other file you think the Staff might need using the widget below.
  • Validate the form and if you are missing information, the form will highlight what is missing in red. If the form is valid then submit the request for processing.

KeywordsMass Spec, FBS, service request   Doc ID119419
OwnerDanielle G.GroupSchool of Chemical Sciences
Created2022-07-01 17:53:06Updated2023-12-18 12:34:33
SitesUniversity of Illinois School of Chemical Sciences
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