University Bursar - What happens if my refund check is sent to the wrong mailing address?

If a student account refund check is not received within 15 days, contact University Bursar.

You can contact us via email or phone.

Blue Box Email Symbol By email:

Blue Box Phone symbol By phone: Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00pm

      • Urbana-Champaign: (217) 333-2180
      • Chicago: (312) 996-8574
      • Springfield: (217) 206-6727

Enroll in Direct deposit for future refunds. Direct deposit is the safest, fastest, and most efficient way to receive student account refunds. 

Keywordspaymybill, bank, mail, mailed, send, address, home, mailing   Doc ID122985
OwnerKathy K.GroupUniversity of Illinois System
Created2022-12-09 15:42:52Updated2024-08-21 12:02:32
SitesUniversity of Illinois System
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