UPB -Initiating a Union Negotiated Vacation Payout

The Illinois Nurses Association (INA) and the SEIU Local 73 Technical (L-73) contracts allow for the annual payout of limited vacation benefits under the specific contract provisions.

Verify the contract specifications prior to initiating any transactions.

An annual allowable negotiated vacation payout requires two different adjustments that must be submitted:

  1. Initiate a Prior Underpayment Adjustment (PUA) in PARIS to pay out the vacation hours requested according to the contract provisions.
  2. Submit a Leave Balance Adjustment Request in the Adjustment Notification Application (ANA) to correct the employee’s vacation balance.

NOTE: Do not submit the Leave Balance Adjustment Request until after the PARIS PUA transaction has been paid to the employee (disposition 70).

Initiate a PARIS PUA per contract provisions

View the employee’s Payroll Record View (PRV)

  1. Log in to PARIS.
  2. Select the employee to adjust.
    1. Enter the employee’s UIN in the QUICK SEARCH field.
    2. Click the Search button. The Payroll Record View (PRV) opens.
      NOTE: If you don’t have the employee’s UIN, use the EMPLOYEE SEARCH. See the Performing an Advanced Employee Search job aid for help.

Adjust pay

  1. Click the ADJ button located on the right side of the gray PAY HISTORY bar to initiate the adjustment.
  2. Select the adjustment reason.
    1. Click the Adjustment Reason menu to expand the list.
    2. Select Benefit Payout from the list.
      NOTE: PARIS automatically completes the Event Type, Calc Method, and Print Method based on the selected adjustment reason and are not user editable.
  3. Add the earn code.
    1. Click the JOBS bar to display each active job for the pay period.
    2. Click the green job bar for the job to adjust. Job Detail opens.
    3. Click the New Earn Code Selection menu to expand the list.
    4. Select the VAP – Vacation-PO earn code from the list.
    5. Click the Add New Earn Code button.
  4. Enter the adjustment earnings.
    1. Enter the number of vacation hours to be paid out.
      NOTE: For Civil Service Non-Exempt employees, the hours must be distribute across the pay period in the same manner as reporting vacation used.
    2. Click the Edit button to edit the C-FOAPAL if needed.
      NOTE: See the Editing Labor Distributions in PARIS job aid for help.
    3. Click the Save button when all entries have been made.
  5. Make additional changes if required:
    • Add additional earnings as required.
    • Select another job from this pay period to adjust.
    • Select another pay period to adjust.
    NOTE: Multiple adjustments can be bundled into one transaction.
  6. Review changes.
    1. Select the pay event.
    2. Click the ADJ button to the right.
      PAY HISTORY tab displays a new row in yellow for the adjustment.

Enter Memo

  1. Enter a description for the adjustment.
    1. Click the green MEMOS tab.
    2. Click in the Memos box and type Per [INA or L-73 Tech] union contract. Paying [x] vacation hours.
    3. Click the Add button.
    4. If necessary, edit your phone number listed in the INITIATOR PHONE NUMBER field.


  1. Route the transaction.
    1. Click the Route button near the bottom left of the screen.
    2. Successful routing is displayed in the yellow dialogue box at the top of the screen.

Submit an ANA Leave Balance Adjustment Request

The request for a Leave Balance Adjustment must be submitted after the PARIS PUA has been paid.

Create a Leave Balance Adjustment request

  1. Create the adjustment.
    1. Log in to ANA.
    2. Enter employee’s UIN in the ID (UIN) field.
    3. Select Leave Balance Adjustment from the Select Adjustment Type menu.
    4. Click the Create button.
      NOTE:  If the employee only holds one job, skip the next step.
  2. Identify the position to adjust.
    1. Select the appropriate position by reviewing the Position, Description and Effective Date fields.
    2. Click the Continue button.
  3. Indicate the pay event to adjust.
    1. Enter the calendar year of the pay period in the Pay Event Year field.
    2. Enter the pay event number for the pay period in the Pay No field.
      NOTE: Click the lookup button next to the Pay No field for a list of period numbers and dates.
    3. Click the Continue button.

Adjust Vacation Hours

  1. Enter vacation hours to adjust.
    1. Enter total vacation hours in the Total Hours field.
      NOTE: To decrease the vacation leave balance, enter a positive value.
    2. Enter VAP in the Earn Code field.
    3. Enter the total hours for VAP in the Total Hours field.
      NOTE: This will be a positive value and must match the value specified in the Total Hours field above.
    4. Enter the total hours for VAP under one date during the pay period.
      NOTE: This will be a positive value and must match the Total Hours field above and the Total Hours field to the left.
    5. Click the Continue button.

Submit the Transaction

  1. Enter contact information.
    1. Enter your name in the Contact Person field.
    2. Enter your phone number in the Phone field.
    3. Enter your e-mail address in the E-mail field.
  2. Enter a description for the leave balance adjustment.
    1. In the Comments box, type Per [INA or L-73 Tech] union contract. Paying [x] vacation hours. Vacation leave balances need to be adjusted accordingly. See PARIS PUA benefit payout adjustment for pay event [Year BW Pay Number – Sequence].
    2. Click the Submit button to route the transaction to the Department Approver for review and approval.

KeywordsPARIS, adjustment, PUA, retro, union   Doc ID119762
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-07-18 13:43:52Updated2024-03-26 15:05:02
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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