UPB - Reviewing an Employee Recognition Award for Department Approvers

Reviewing an Employee Recognition Award for Department Approvers

The Department Approver is responsible for reviewing and approving an Adjustment Notification Application (ANA) adjustment. You will receive an e-mail notification when you have a transaction in your ANA Work List to approve. You can edit a transaction before approving it. After you approve the adjustment, it is removed from your Work List and sent to the Payroll Approver.

NOTE: It is important that you submit or save the record when you finish reviewing or editing it. When you review or edit a record, the system locks it to prevent others from opening it. The record remains locked until you save or submit it, or until you re-select the record at a later time. University Payroll and Benefits (UPB) customer service can unlock a record only in urgent cases. For assistance with this, please contact payinq@uillinois.edu.

  1. Log in to ANA at https://ana.uillinois.edu/
  2. Locate the transaction to approve in your Work List.
    NOTE: Transactions will show Dept Approval under the Activity column.
  3. Click the employee’s name.
  4. Review the adjustment details.
  5. Click the Continue button.
  6. Complete the Comments field. If you’re approving the adjustment, include any information needed by the Payroll Approver to process the transaction.
    If you’re returning the adjustment for corrections, include what the Department Originator needs to revise.OR
    If you’re rejecting the adjustment, include why the transaction can’t be approved.
    NOTE: Comments must include the supplied language certifying that all required approvals have been obtained.
  7. To approve the adjustment, click the Approve button.
    To return the adjustment to the Department Originator for corrections, click the Return for Rework button.
    To reject the adjustment, click the Reject button. You should only reject an adjustment if the transaction can’t be approved.

KeywordsANA, employee recognition, award, adjustment   Doc ID119807
OwnerLaura B.GroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-07-19 15:26:04Updated2022-10-12 11:18:14
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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