Gies Life Cycle Staff Computer Program

IT Partners @ Gies provides a standard set of computer equipment to every full-time Gies staff member. This article includes a basic overview, and a link to the full policy, including usage of equipment, is provided.

If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at or 217-244-0812.

The current, full policy document can be found here (login required).

Refresh Cycle

  • Computers are eligible to be refreshed every four years. Supply or staffing constraints may affect the timing, but equipment will be refreshed within a reasonable period after becoming eligible. 
  • If a computer has a hardware failure before the 4-year refresh date, the Help Desk will replace it with an equivalent standard computer, which may or may not be new. 
  • Peripherals and monitors will only be replaced if there are hardware issues or signs of significant wear-and-tear. 

Standard Equipment Provided 

Eligible Gies staff members receive one primary computer, either a desktop or a laptop, and a standard package of peripheral equipment, regardless of their work location: 

  • Up to two 24” HD monitors*
  • Laptop or desktop
  • Docking station (only with laptop) 
  • Keyboard – wireless or wired 
  • Mouse – wireless or wired 
  • Wired headset
  • Webcam (upon request) 
  • YubiKey OTP 2FA token (upon request)  

If ergonomic keyboard/mouse options are needed, please reach out to the Help Desk
* An alternative of a single 27"-34" monitor is available for Mac users.

Most staff members receive a Windows-based Lenovo computer. However, staff with work responsibilities requiring more computing power, such as graphic design or video processing, may request a Mac or workstation-class laptop or desktop. 

Unless it is critically necessary to perform the duties of the role, or part of an OEA-approved accommodation, items outside the standard will need College approval to use unit funds to purchase or will be at the employee's expense (e.g., wireless earbuds, extra monitors, monitor upgrades, etc.). 

Additional equipment

The Life Cycle program does not include handset phones, individual printers, or shared copiers. Unit-provided equipment must conform to the Help Desk-supported equipment guidelines and should only be purchased from Help Desk-provided quotes, pending College approval. 

Please work with your office/unit if you need a printer or access to an existing copier.

Recommended and supported printers are listed here.

Recommended and supported phone devices are listed here.

Office furniture or supplies

At this time, IT Partners does not provide office furniture or supplies such as standing desks, gel wrist rests, printer ink or paper, etc. Please work with your office/unit for these needs.

lifecycle, staff, "life cycle", laptop, desktop, computer, fulltime, FTE, equipment, workstation, dock, monitor, keyboard, mouse, webcam, phone, "2FA token", YubiKey, "hardware token" 
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Allison P. in UI Gies College of Business
UI Gies College of Business