Illinois AnyWare, Annual Profile Deletion

Options for saving important files from the Illinois AnyWare Service annually after spring semester ends.

For more information about the service itself, please visit Illinois AnyWare Overview.

Annually, one week after spring semester finals end, the Illinois AnyWare service performs maintenance to remove netid directories and prepare for the forthcoming academic year. If you would like to retain important files that have been saved to your netid directory (Documents, Desktop, Downloads, etc...), the files must be copied to cloud storage (Box, OneDrive) or saved to local storage (your personal computer).

Cloud Options

One Drive

For General Purpose Machine and Graphics Enabled Desktop, the Desktop and Documents folders are configured to sync with OneDrive cloud storage with your campus account.

Log in to the Illinois AnyWare service, select General Purpose Desktop or Graphics Enabled Desktop, and log in to OneDrive. (If you have used both desktops and would like to retain files from both, you will need log in to each desktop to ensure your files are backed up).

To further explain, the Downloads folder is not sync'd to OneDrive. Any files saved in the Downloads folder will not be copied to OneDrive. If you have important files in your Downloads folder, you can copy them to Documents or Desktop folders so they will be sync'd with OneDrive. 

Best practice is to ensure files are properly saved and sync'd before exiting your Illinois AnyWare session. You can confirm this by logging in to OneDrive via web or the OneDrive app if you have it installed. 

Please see this article for more information.

Box, Google Drive, Dropbox

Files can be backed up to Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, or other cloud storage via web browser. 

  1. Log in to the Illinois AnyWare service and select General Purpose Desktop or Graphics Enabled Desktop. (If you have used both desktops and would like to retain files from both, you will need log in to each to ensure your files are backed up).

  2. Open a browser > log in to a cloud service > manually copy your files from the Illinois AnyWare Desktop to your preferred cloud service. 

Backup to Local Computer Storage

You can download your files to your local computer or local storage. Please see this article that provides more details.

Scroll to the section titled Open / Save - Upload / Download

Keywordsuiuc anyware. uiucanyware, anyware, citrix, citrix workspace, remote apps, remote, remote computers, browser connection, virtual apps, virtual, vcl, virtual computer lab, vdi, virtual desktop infrastructure, desktop, applications, file management, files, one drive, cloud, file save, file saving, anywhere   Doc ID127533
OwnerICS T.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-05-01 09:21:37Updated2024-05-30 16:45:46
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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