Identity and Access Management, Affiliate NetID Manager FAQ

An affiliate NetID (also known as a long-term guest NetID) provides guests who will be on campus for at least one month (at the request of an academic department or unit) access to certain University resources, such as networking and library resources, and allows the department to request an optional Exchange email account.

In order to request or renew an Affiliate NetID (formerly sponsored NetID) your department will need to be provisioned in the Affiliate NetID Manager.

If your department is not listed in the Affiliate NetID Manager as an option to pick, the business unit for your department can request to be provisioned in the tool by going to the Affiliate NetID Manager Department Provisioning Request form.  PLEASE DO NOT FILL OUT THIS FORM IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF YOUR DEPARTMENT'S BUSINESS UNIT.

If you are a person who needs an Affiliate NetID, please follow the  Steps for the person needing an Affiliate NetID.

If you are a sponsor who needs to request an Affiliate NetID, please follow the Steps for Sponsors to request an Affiliate NetID.

In this article you can also find the following information: My Affiliate NetID needs an Email/Box account attached.

Quick Links:

Affiliate NetID Management (need to be on campus network or connected via VPN):

Affiliate NetID Request Form:

When should I seek an Affiliate NetID?

  • Do Not request an Affiliate NetID: I am a returning student seeking readmission: Identity and Access Management, Student seeking readmission/re-entry
  • Do Not request an Affiliate NetID: To reset passwords for their other accounts (i.e. they need to reset their Facebook password and signed up with their account). 
  • Do Not request an Affiliate NetID: To gain access to McKinley records. People can see other options for requesting this information here 
  • Do Not request an Affiliate NetID: To request transcripts.  People can order their transcripts by going here.
  • Do Not request an Affiliate NetID: To gain access to download or retrieve keys for Webstore software.
  • Possible request for an Affiliate NetID: I am a former employee who left the University but needs to set up a forwarding or get access to my box account.-- This request must be approved by the former employees' College or Department and not set up through the Affiliate-Extend process.    
  • Request an Affiliate NetID: I am a Vendor who needs an Affiliate NetID to support a department/college.
  • Request an Affiliate NetID: I am a visiting Researcher who is working with a department/college.
  • Request an Affiliate NetID: I am a grad student who needs an extension on my NetID in order to finish my Thesis.
  • Request an Affiliate NetID: I am a visiting Scholar who needs access to Canvas, Library or other resources.  This could be because I am a guest lecture, a fellow or post-doc. 

What access does an Affiliate NetID grant?

  • Being sponsored by a department allows access to the following:

    • A unique NetID and password
    • IllinoisNet wireless
    • Campus VPN
    • Some library resources (more information:
    • Exchange email - ONLY UPON REQUEST (if your department had requested it, see below for details)
    • U of I Box account - ONLY UPON REQUEST (if your department had requested it, see below for details)
    • ICS computer labs 
      • Instructional Computing Services (ICS) labs are available in several locations around campus

    Please note: If you are unable to login to a particular application, that application may not be covered by a sponsored account.

    Once your affiliate NetID is created, you can access ICS labs and other services within 24 hours.

    Optional services:

    These services must be requested by the sponsor of the NetID. A business case should be provided as to why the service is necessary.  Business case and services requested will need to be included in a stand alone request to 

    Microsoft 365 Email
    If your sponsoring department has arranged for you to have a Microsoft 365 account for email, along with Teams and calendaring services. You will have access within four hours of claiming your NetID. You will access your inbox at Your email is your

    U of I Box Account
    If a Box account was created for you, you can log in at

    Google Apps
    If a Google Apps account was created for you, you can log in via

Steps for an Affiliate

Is my Department Provisioned on the Affiliate NetID Manager? - If they are not listed in the Affiliate NetID Manager, you will need to contact your sponsor to request assistance. 

1. Fill out the form to create the Affiliate NetID. Your Sponsor's email must be an email address.

  • Select your Affiliation options: 
    • affiliate-vendor: This is for vendor or contractor access
    • affiliate-researcher: This is for visiting researchers
    • affiliate-visitingscholar: This is for fellows and post docs

2. You will receive an email that your Affiliate NetID request has been received and will take up to 3 days for processing.

3. Your Sponsor may reach out to you asking for more information if needed to process your request.

4. You will receive an email from with your UIN and activation token. You can follow the claim instructions here.

5. If you need a Microsoft 365 Email or U of I Box Account, your sponsor will need to request that on your behalf.  Please let your sponsor know that you have successfully claimed so that they can request your optional services.

Steps for a Sponsor

Is my Department Provisioned on the Affiliate NetID Manager? If they are not listed in the Affiliate NetID Manager, you will need to contact your Business Administrations department and have them follow the instructions here.

[Link for document 126681 is unavailable at this time]

Requesting an Affiliate NetID:

NOTE: Requesting a UIN separately is no longer required. The new process automatically makes a UIN request as part of the provisioning process.  

  • Have the requester (person needing the Affiliate NetID) or sponsor fill out the form to create the Affiliate NetID. 
  • Once the request has been completed the Sponsor (formerly known as Proxy) will receive an email asking them to approve the requested Affiliate NetID, link is also here. (Note: Sponsor must be on a university network in order to approve the request.) 
  • When the Sponsor approves the request through the email, the Unit Manager will receive a notice to review and approve/deny the Affiliate NetID request.
    • If the Unit Manager is also the sponsor, only one approval will be needed.
  • If the Affiliate NetID is approved, the requester will be sent two emails for them to claim their NetID. 
  • If your Affiliate NetID needs a Microsoft 365 Email or U of I Box Account, you as the sponsor will need to request that on their behalf. That email can be sent to  Please check that the affiliate has successfully claimed so that you can request the optional services.

Renewing or Extending Affiliate NetID:

The Unit Manager can go into the Affiliate NetID Manager and extend the dates for the affiliate NetID.  Unit Managers will receive an email when Affiliate NetIDs are about to expire.

Trouble Shooting for Sponsors:

Key Terminology


  • External Affiliate (previously known as Sponsored NetID)
    • The person who is requesting a new affiliation status
    • The person currently with an active affiliation status
  • Sponsor (previously known as Proxy) - University employee tasked with assisting a new applicant with requesting a new affiliation status
  • Unit Manager - University employee who is responsible for managing active affiliates within an affiliation category. This person is considered the owner of the affiliation. Multiple employees may be a Unit Manager encompassing the same Campus Unit.  It is recommended you have at least 2 Unit Managers per Campus Unit.


  • Campus - The Campus the NetID will be functioning under.
  • Campus Unit - College, Department or allied agency requesting the affiliate account. This Campus Unit name should appear as it does in Banner.
  • Affiliation Type - This will begin with 'affiliate-' and will correspond with the campus unit. 
    There are three generic affiliations that all campus units can have access to:
  • affiliate-vendor: This is for vendor or contractor access
  • affiliate-researcher: This is for visiting researchers
  • affiliate-visitingscholar: This is for fellows and post docs


Unit Manager Information

Training Video

NetID - External Affiliates Administration - Instructions on how to use the Affiliate NetID Manager backend (This document is only accessible via the Internal Knowledgebase.  Please login with your account)

NetID - How do I request a new External Affiliate status? - Instructions to give department sponsors

Terminate Affiliate Access Early

A sponsor or unit manager may terminate an affiliate's access early if desired:

  1. Once connected to the campus network, sign into the Affiliate NetID Manager Tool and select Manage Accounts.
  2. Locate the affiliate whose access needs to be terminated.
  3. Click on End Immediately.

KeywordsUnit Manager Sponsor Allied Sponsored UIN NetID Request visitingscholar guest research researcher visit researcher sponsorship   Doc ID128347
OwnerIdentity and Access ManagementGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2023-05-17 09:53:02Updated2024-10-23 09:56:46
SitesUI Gies College of Business, University of Illinois System, University of Illinois Technology Services
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