Teams, How to create a role based account

How to create a role-based account for use with Teams.

The first step in creating a role-based account is to create an Active Directory (AD) user in the department's Organizational Unit (OU). This will have to be done by someone who has been delegated OU Admin authority, typically the unit's IT Professional.

Creating the Account in AD

The following steps outline the process an IT Pro can follow to setup an account. There are other methods, such as using PowerShell, which are beyond the scope of this article.

  1. Start Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC).
  2. Make sure you are connected to domain.
  3. Navigate to the Organizational Unit (OU) that you manage or sub-OU where you want to create the account. (Note: OU names should not contain protected characters such as "/" or "\")
  4. Right click in right hand window, choose New, then User
  5. Fill out the "New Object - User" window using the following guidelines: 
    • When choosing a User logon name, be sure to use something that cannot be used as a person's NetID. The user login name for a role-based account should be longer than 8 and less then 20 characters long. Follow your department's naming conventions for naming, pick a naming scheme that is consistent and helps identify the purpose of the account.
    • First name, Initials, and Last name are unimportant for this process, skip these if you don't have a good understanding of AD or how to edit the details later, the following details need to be set correctly and these setting might manipulate them (otherwise, set them to whatever makes sense).
    • Full name becomes the account's Common-Name CN (object name displayed in ADUC).  This should be the same as the User logon name and User logon name (pre-Windows 2000).
    • User logon name is important.  This is used as the login name for the account in Teams.  The domain following User login name should be (or for UA units).  This will become the account's UserPrincipleName (UPN) in AD.
    • User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) is also important.  It MUST match the CN and User Logon Name.  This will become the account's SAMAccountName.
  6. Click next
  7. Create a strong password and choose the password options appropriate to your unit.
  8. Click next
  9. Click Finish
  10. After the account is created, open it (double-click; or right-click and choose Properties), and change the Display Name, which is what will be shown in Teams Contacts or Exchange Address Book.  Set this to something descriptive.

Exchange Enabling Accounts for Voice Mail

If the role-based account will have voice mail, send a request to listing the User Logon Name created for the account and asking to have the account Exchange enabled. 

All voice mail targets must be both Exchange and Teams Voice enabled.  A Teams account cannot receive voice mail without an Exchange Mailbox; and an Exchange Mailbox cannot receive voice mail without being enabled in Teams.

Submitting the Request to Activate the Account in Teams

After this account is created and enabled the unit's Pinnacle Department Manager (PDM) needs to submit a pinnacle request to finish activating this account. Instructions on how Pinnacle Department Managers can request a role-based account can be found in this document:  [Link for document 48558 is unavailable at this time]

Teams, create role based, voicemail, voice mail, RBA, Role-Based Account, VoIP 
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