ATLAS FormBuilder - How to Accept/Enable Payment
This document explains how to accept payment through your form.
For a video tutorial, checkout:
Step 1 - Navigate to your form dashboard and click the 'Manage' button in Form Properties.

Step 2 - Click the 'Payment Details' tab.

Step 3 - Check the "This form accepts payments" box.

Step 4 - Choose what type of payment(s) this form will accept by checking the Payment Option box(es).

If you choose to "Allow credit card payments" you will have to enter a CFOAPAL. You will need to verify the CFOAPAL with OBFS Merchant Card Services and you will need to check the box stating that you have done so.

If you choose "Allow check payments" you have the option to add text that will be shown to the user when they confirm payment by check.

Remember to save!
Happy FormBuilding!
See also: