UAFR - Fund Type Descriptions

Fund Type Descriptions

Current Unrestricted – State Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for current unrestricted state funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


State Appropriations – General Revenue Fund and Income Fund

General Revenue and Income Fund appropriations from the State of Illinois. General Revenue funds are held by and disbursed by the State and must be spent entirely during the state appropriation year. Income Fund is retained at the University.

100000 – 189999


PY State Appropriations – General Revenue Fund and Income Fund

Prior year General Revenue and Income Fund appropriations from the State of Illinois.

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – State College and University Trust Fund

State appropriation for the University's portion of State of Illinois license plate revenue which is used to fund scholarships.

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – Fire Prevention Fund

Fire Prevention Fund appropriation from the state of Illinois which is allocated to the Fire Service Institute.

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – Hazardous Waste Research

Hazardous Waste Research Fund appropriation from the State of Illinois which is allocated to the Waste Management Research Center. 

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – Emergency Public Health

Emergency Public Health Fund appropriation from the State of Illinois which is allocated to the Mosquito Abatement and Research Center.

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – Used Tire Managements 

Used Tire Managements Fund appropriation from the State of Illinois which is allocated to the Mosquito Abatement and Research Center. 

100000 – 189999


State Appropriations – Pet Pop Control

Prior year appropriations from the state for capital projects.

100000 – 189999


University Income Fund Receipts

Tuition and fees, finance charges from students, and other miscellaneous income. These provide the source of funding for the State Income Fund appropriation.

100000 – 189999

Current Unrestricted – Other

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for current unrestricted other

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Educational and Admin Allowances

Funds from various assessments of campus departments by campus or University administration.

200000 – 299999


Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR)

Funds generated through facilities and administrative (F&A) costs assessed on grant and contract funds. Budgeted to and spent at the departmental level.

200000 – 299999


Patents Copyrights and Royalties

Funds generated from trademarks, patents, and copyrights owned by the University.

200000 – 299999


Private Gifts – Unrestricted

Gifts received from individuals or companies that are not restricted by the donor for a particular unit or purpose.

200000 – 299999


Consolidated Group Investments

Investments from the various fund types are consolidated and accounted for in these funds. Investment income is allocated to the various specific funds on a quarterly basis.

200000 – 299999


Unrestricted Receivables/Payables

Clearing funds to record accounts receivables and payables at the campus level for control purposes.

200000 – 299999


Student Deposits and Other

Funds containing student deposits held for a future term.

200000 – 299999


Self-Insurance Programs

Funds to account for the University's self-insurance activities. Funds are generated from assessment of campus departments by University Administration and are used to cover claims.

200000 – 299999


Termination/Sick Leave Benefits

Assessments on grant and contract funds for termination benefits, vacation and sick leave payouts, for employee appointed to grant and contract funds.

200000 – 299999

Auxiliary Enterprises/ Self-Supporting Activities

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for auxiliary enterprise and self-supporting activities

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Suspense and System Clearing

Clearing funds used for system-generated suspense and clearing type transactions.

300000 – 399999


Service and Storeroom Activities

Funds used to account for self-supporting activities where goods or services are provided to other internal University units which are charged for the goods or services provided. Examples included Facilities and Services, Central Stores, and Telecommunications. Expenses charged to these funds must be related to the cost of providing the goods or services.

300000 – 399999


Auxiliary Enterprises Not Under Indenture

Funds used to account for self-supporting activities where goods or services are provided primarily to individual students, faculty, or staff and bond financing is not involved in the activities. Examples include student counseling and student activities. Expenses charged to these funds must be related to the cost of providing the goods or services.

300000 – 399999


Auxiliary Enterprises Under Indenture

Funds used to account for self-supporting activities where goods or services are provided primarily to individual students, faculty, or staff and bond financing is involved in the activities. Examples include housing operations, bookstore, and student unions. Expenses charged to these funds must be related to the cost of providing the goods or services.

300000 – 399999


Departmental Activities

Funds used to account for self-supporting activities where goods or services are provided primarily to external customers. Revenues are generated from the following general categories of activities (called entities) -1) Instructional Courses, 2) Professional Development Activities, 3) Unique Instructional Programs, 4) Agricultural Operations, 5) Commercial Operations not under indenture, 6) Public Service, Economic Development and Academic Support Activities, 7) Intercollegiate Athletics, 8) Hospital and Clinics, and 9) Commercial Operations, such as Willard Airport. Expenses charged to these funds must be related to the cost of providing the goods or services. 

300000 – 399999

Current Restricted Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for current restricted funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Sponsored Programs – US Government Grants and Contracts

Grants and contracts with the federal government.

400000 – 499999


Sponsored Programs – Other Governmental Agency Grants and Contracts

Grants and contracts with governmental agencies that are not federal or state.

500000 – 509999


Sponsored Programs – Private Grants and Contracts

Grants and contracts with individuals or businesses.

510000 – 559999


Sponsored Programs – State of Illinois Grants and Contracts

Grants and contracts with the State of Illinois.

560000 – 599999


Trust – Endowment Income

Endowment income funds include: (1) unrestricted income of endowment and similar funds; (2) restricted income of endowment and similar funds to the extend expended for current operating purposes, and (3) income funds held in trust by others under irrevocable trusts. 

610000 – 619999


Trust – Endowment Farm Operations

Funds used to track the farm operating activities for all farms endowed to the University.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Private Gifts

Gifts received from individuals or companies that are restricted for a particular unit and/or purpose. These funds must be spent in compliance with those restrictions.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Other Restricted

Restricted funds with an externally imposed restriction on their use. The predominance of these funds are on the Urbana campus as Cooperative Extensions funds.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Medical Services Plan

Funds to account for the clinical practices of faculty in the College of Medicine.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Occupational Health Services Plan

Funds to account for the clinical practices of faculty in the School of Public Health.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Dental Services Plan

Funds to account for the clinical practices of faculty in the College of Dentistry.

620000 – 699999


Trust – Nursing Services Plan

Funds to account for the clinical practices of faculty in the College of Nursing.

620000 – 699999


Land Grant – Federal Appropriations

Federal appropriations for agricultural research and extension activities. As the land grant campus, Urbana is the only campus with federal agriculture appropriations.

600000 – 609999


Restricted Receivables/Payables

Clearing funds to record accounts receivables and payables for sponsored programs at the campus level for control purposes.

400000 – 499999

Loan Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for current loan funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Loan Funds – University

Funds for private loans administered by the University. These funds account for loan principal and related activity including interest income, service fees, and collection fees. Most loan funds are from monies donated by individuals or organizations for students in a particular department or major.

800000 – 809999


Loan Funds – Federal

Funds for federal loans administered by the University. These funds account for loan principal and related activity including interest income, service fees, and collection fees. The funds are from the federal government for students who qualify under the various Federally Sponsored Student Loan programs.

800000 – 809999


 Loan Funds – Matching Federal Funds

 Funds for federal loans administered by the University. These funds account for loan federal capital matching. The funds are from the Federal government for students who qualify under the various Federally Sponsored Student Loan programs. 

 800000 – 809999

Endowment Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for current endowment funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Endowment – Pool Accounts

Endowment assets that are pooled for investment purposes.

810000 – 819999


Endowments – US Land Grant 1862

Fund that accounts for the $649,012.91 land grant deposit received by the University from the State when the University was founded in 1867. This fund type has no other activity.

810000 – 819999


Endowments – True/In Perpetuity

Funds whose principal is nonexpendable (true endowment) by donor-specified restrictions and that are intended to be invested to provide earnings for institutional use. Generally, income from those investments are restricted by donors.

810000 – 819999


Endowments – Quasi

Funds established by the governing board to function like an endowment fund but which may be totally expended at any time at the discretion of the governing board. These funds represent non-mandatory transfers from the current fund rather than a direct addition to the endowment fund, as occurs for the true endowment fund type.

810000 – 819999


Endowments – Term/Living Trust

Funds for which the donor has stipulated that the principal may be expended after a stated period or on the occurrence of a certain event.

810000 – 819999


Endowments – Beneficial Interest In Trust

Investment income from funds that meet the definition of a beneficial interest in trust endowment. A Beneficial Interest in Trust refers to a legal arrangement whereby the University is entitled to the use of or the income from assets owned by other parties. Upon the death or at the discretion of the owner(s), the assets may be donated to the University and become a true or term endowment.

810000 – 819999

Unexpended Plant Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for unexpended plant funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Unexpended Plant – Unrestricted

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from various sources to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities. Source of funds are usually transfers from current unrestricted funds, such as institutional funds.

700000 – 759999


Unexpended Plant – Restricted

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from various sources to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities. Source of funds are usually transfers from current restricted funds, such as gift or grant funds.

700000 – 759999


Unexpended Plant – Internal Financing

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from various sources within the University to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities. In essence, the University is borrowing from itself, thus the term "internally financed."

700000 – 759999


Unexpended Plant – Bonded

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from bond issues to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities.

700000 – 759999


Unexpended Plant – COP Acquisition Funds

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from certificates of participation (COP) to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities.

700000 – 759999


Unexpended Plant – Capital Development Funds

Unexpended resources in the plant fund derived from the State of Illinois Capital Development Board to finance the acquisition of long-lived plant assets and their associated liabilities.

700000 – 759999

Renewal and Replacement Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for renewal and replacement funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Renewal and Replacement – Unrestricted

Funds used to collect money and record expenditures for renewal, replacement, and extraordinary repairs of University equipment and facilities. Source of funds are usually transfers from current unrestricted funds.

760000 – 779999


Renewal and Replacement – Restricted

Funds used to collect money and record expenditures for renewal, replacement, and extraordinary repairs of University equipment and facilities. Source of funds are transfers from current restricted funds.

760000 – 779999

Retirement of Indebtedness

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for retirement of indebtedness

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Debt Service

Funds used to account for principal and interest payments on outstanding bonds and internal loan agreements. The sources of funds are typically transfers from self-supporting entities, such as auxiliary units, Willard Airport, and the Hospital. 

 780000 – 789999


Debt Service – COP

 Funds used to account for principal and interest payments on outstanding certificates of participation. The sources of funds are transfers from various fund types based on the COP being paid.

 780000 – 789999


Debt Service – Other

Funds used to account for principal and interest payments on outstanding energy services agreement installment payment contracts. The sources of funds are transfers from various fund types based on the contract being paid. 

 780000 – 789999

Investment in Plant

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for investment in plant

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


 Investment in Plant

 Funds used to account for the fixed assets and long-term debt held by the University. All adjustments to fixed assets are recorded to the change in fixed asset equity account code 90510. Increases in long-term debt are recorded to expense accounts (199xxx) and decreases in long-term debt are recorded to revenue accounts (35xxxx).

 790000 – 799999


Custodial Funds

Table with the fund type, fund type title, description or source of funds and the fund code range for custodial funds

Fund Type

Fund Type Title

Description/Source of Funds

Fund Code Range


Custodial – Payroll, Tax, Fin Aid, Clearing

Funds used to account for monies collected from payroll deductions that will be disbursed to external agencies and organizations.

900000 – 999999


Custodial – Fiscal Custodian for External

Funds held by the University as a custodian or fiscal agent for others external to the University. These funds do not include registered student organizations.

900000 – 999999


Custodial – RSO, COF, & RO

Funds held by the University as custodian for Registered Student Organizations (RSO) which are generated through their activities held on campus.

900000 – 999999  

KeywordsCFOAP, C-FOAP, CFOAPAL, C-FOAPAL, C-FOP, Endowment, Finance, Financial Reports, Financial Statements, FOAP, FOAPAL, FOP, Fund, Fund Type, FZMFUND, General Ledger, Gift, ICR, Institutional Funds, Plant Funds, Reports, Self-Supporting   Doc ID118777
OwnerLearning Systems SupportGroupUI Training and Development Resources
Created2022-06-01 10:24:24Updated2024-02-02 11:00:18
SitesUniversity of Illinois Training and Development Resources
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