Office 365, Outlook for Mac, Add shared mailbox

Offices often have at least one shared mailbox for voice mail, responding to outside inquiries, projects, and more. Follow the steps below to add a second account to Outlook 365 on a Mac computer. Note: if you do not have access to this email address, the process will fail. Your department office manager should request access on your behalf.

Go to the Outlook menu and choose “Preferences”

Outlook Mac menu preferences

Select “Accounts”

Outlook Mac preferences accounts

Select the + (plus) sign to add a new account


Type in the shared mailbox address and select "Continue"

Outlook Mac shared account address example at

If the account isn't immediately found, choose the provider "Microsoft 365"

IMPORTANT! When prompted to Sign In, replace the shared email address with your own and choose "Next"

Enter your own university password to finish logging in.

When it tells you the account has been added successfully, you can close that window. It will be at the bottom of the folder list in the left-hand navigation pane of Outlook.

outlook, mailbox, shared, "shared email", "shared account", "secondary account", voicemail, "voice mail" 
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Allison P. in UI Gies College of Business
UI Gies College of Business