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EWS Labs, Frequently Asked Questions
- Unable to download files
- Unable to install applications
- "The sign-in method you're trying to use isn't allowed"
- New course staff cannot access secure course content
- Auditing student missing access
- SSH authentication issues using Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
- Printer Refunds
Unable to download files
This error often occurs because your EWS Home Directory is full. To allow for a better experience in the EWS labs, your home folders (e.g. Documents, Desktop, Downloads) are redirected to your EWS Home Directory. However, due to the large number of students, faculty, and staff that must have EWS Home Directories provisioned for them, a 10GB limit has been placed on EWS Home Directories.
Unfortunately due to technical limitations, the OS is unable to present a relevant error message when this quota is reached, and silently causes an error.
To fix this, please follow our guide at EWS Labs, Home Directory Disk Quota
Unable to install applications
In order to provide a scalable environment, EWS Lab computers are configured so the general students, staff, and faculty audiences do not have administrative or sudo access.
If you are a student and you need software installed in an EWS Lab, please have your course instructor(s) read the article linked below.
If you are faculty or staff and you need software installed in an EWS Lab, please see EWS Labs, EWS Software Request Policy
This is one of the items that can be addressed by following our Instructor Checklist that is sent out prior to the start of each semester: Instructor Checklist - Engineering IT
"The sign-in method you're trying to use isn't allowed"
Login access to the EWS labs is limited to students who are currently enrolled in a course under the Grainger College of Engineering.
For more information please see EWS Labs, Account Policy
New course staff cannot access secure course content
While student rosters are automatically synced to our systems via their Banner registrations, the HR process for hiring course staff (e.g. TA's and Graders) is not as well structured for automation as it varies between departments. Thus, course staff must be added to the right permissions groups manually by the course instructor.
If you are a new TA or Grader, please refer your instructor to our instructions at Instructor Tools
For a broader overview of the course website and folders and how they function, please see How to Edit and Manage your Engineering Course Website on
This is one of the items that can be addressed by following our Instructor Checklist that is sent out prior to the start of each semester: Instructor Checklist - Engineering IT
Auditing student missing access
While student rosters are automatically synced to our systems via their Banner registrations, students not officially registered for a course cannot be automated with this process
To add a student to your course, please see the "Add students to the course" section of Instructor Tools
This is one of the items that can be addressed by following our Instructor Checklist that is sent out prior to the start of each semester: Instructor Checklist - Engineering IT
SSH authentication issues using Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
Students frequently are unable to SSH into our Remote Linux service due to a permission denied error.
First, if you are connecting from off-campus, ensure you are connected to the Campus VPN (See VPN, CISCO Secure Client or AnyConnect, Installation Instructions Splash Page)
Additionally, pay special attention to whether "SSH" should be included in the command that you are running. Very often, this error occurs because you are trying to authenticate as the username "ssh netid".
For more information, see
Printer Refunds
Engineering IT uses PaperCut to monitor, manage, and bill for printing services in the EWS labs.
To request a printer refund, please see EWS Labs, Printing and refund policies
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