Endpoint Services, MECM, Create bootable media


Follow this guide to create USB bootable media to use for OS deployment.


Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM)

Intended Audience

University of Illinois IT Pros leveraging MECM, hosted by Technology Services' Endpoint Services team

Create bootable media

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Software Library --> Operating Systems --> Task Sequences

  2. On the Home tab of the top ribbon, select Create Task Sequence Media

  3. On the Select Media Type page, select Bootable media

  4. On the Media Management page, select Site-based media

  5. On the Media Type page, select Removable USB drive, select the appropriate drive letter and ensure Format removable USB drive.. is selected

  6. On the Security page:
    1. For HTTP communications, select Create self-signed media certificate. Then specify the start and expiration date for the certificate.
    2. If desired, select the Enable unknown computer support and Protect media with a password options

  7. On the Boot image page:
    1. Select the x64 boot image in your unit's folder
    2. Select a distribution point that has the boot image.
    3. For the Management point, select sccmuiucdp1.ad.uillinois.edu with Site Code MP1

  8. Select Next twice

  9. For further customization or details on the specific steps, please visit https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/osd/deploy-use/create-bootable-media#process

Contact the EPS team

KeywordsEPS TechS-EPS-SCCM MECM "boot media" "bootable media"   Doc ID118433
OwnerEPS Distribution ListGroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2022-05-09 13:46:11Updated2023-08-02 12:40:46
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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