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Office 365, Email, Exchange, Sharing calendar with non-UIUC affiliate

How to share your calendar in exchange with a non-university affiliate.
  1. Log in to the Outlook Web App:
  2. Click the Gear icon in the top right
  3. Type in Share a Calendar in the Search outlook settings field
  4. Click Share a Calendar
  5. In Share a calendar: If you only need your affiliate to have permissions use this option to provide them the level of access they require. Click Share to Confirm.
  6. If you need to provide calendar access to a wide audience use Publish a calendar: Select a Calendar and choose the calendar you would like to share permissions on 
  7. Choose what level of access and click Publish. This will generate a HTML and an ICS Link that can be shared with affiliates.
Note: Recipients from Share a Calendar will receive an email that they have access to a new calendar. The email provides a reachcalendar.ics address link they can use if they are not on an Office365 platform.

KeywordsShare calendar non university office 365 Exchange   Doc ID48016
OwnerOffice 3.GroupUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
Created2015-03-03 15:21:15Updated2022-08-09 12:13:50
SitesUniversity of Illinois Technology Services
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