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Kaltura, FERPA

It is the instructor's responsibility to ensure that students' information related to their course will be kept private, and this includes media in Kaltura.

How does Illinois Media Space work with FERPA?

When students view or upload media related to their classes (academic record), it is the instructor's responsibility to ensure that the students' information will be kept private to that course. Media Space however is not only used for academics. Non-academic use of this tool falls under the University's Illinois Web Privacy Policy's "Public Forum" section. Please be aware that when using Illinois Media Space for non-academic purposes, the owner of the media you view or viewers of media that you have made public or semi-public may be able to see your name and NetId.

For more information:

University of Illinois System Privacy Statement

kaltura, mediaspace, ferpa, privacy 
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Alan B. in University of Illinois Technology Services
University of Illinois Technology Services